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  • Plugin Author thomstark


    Sure. I wasn’t aware of this and I clearly do not have time to maintain this these days. Can I bring you on as a contributor or what do you think?

    Thread Starter Daan Oostindiën


    It will take me some time to get up to speed, if other programmers are quicker, be my guest.

    Not to discredit @amarthakur88 but the user was created today and this is the only post. Be careful who you trust.

    Thread Starter Daan Oostindiën


    Alternatives? I don’t know.

    For what its worth, this fixes the current vulnerability:

    if($class) $class = sanitize_html_class($class);
    lib/cls/class.fileup.php on line 20. Right below the two extract(); calls

    While you’re add it @thomstark maybe you can add me to the developers and I can attempt to make this plugin PHP 8.x proof.

    is this fix still available, because I need to make my websites with this plugin safer

    I would love to have this back. I would even consider paying for it if I knew it was going to be updated regularly for security so I don’t keep getting hacked. There’s nothing else with this functionality.

    I hope there will be a workaround. It works nicely with S2Member and I don’t want to change all my site.

    i would strongly urge you to remove it now. My site was hacked several times before I realized it was because of this plug in. It sucks because I was unable to find a replacement and have to do it by hand.

    There is an alternative but much simplier

    @jjanthony : thanks for the alert. The site where I use the plugin is quite “hidden” – it’s a private site to share files for my work – but I’m concerned in security.

    Thread Starter Daan Oostindiën


    @li-an I wont trust a plugin that is not available through the regular WordPress Plugin Directory. If you are serious about this project, please make it available.

    I had low-key started working on fixing the File Away plugin. Just re-writing and moving code. Unfortunately I now must admit my defeat… the code from this plugin is too much of a mess to even understand the simplest functions. It’ll be much, much quicker just to start over new.

    With the original author not responding this plugin is dead anyway.

    There are a lot of plugins not available on depot and without any issue – think premium plugins. But I can understand perfectly your concern.

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