• Hi,

    Congrats on the plugin. I’ve been using it without issues for years.

    However, I ran into the following problem today:

    PHP Recoverable fatal error: Object of class WP_Post could not be converted to string in /path/to/wp-content/plugins/buddy-bbpress-support-topic/includes/functions.php on line 789

    I managed to temporarily fix it with the following piece of code (starting on line 782):

    if ( is_object( $topic_id ) ) {
        $topic_id = $topic_id->ID;

    It’d be great if this would be included in the next version.


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  • Hi @usestrict

    Thanks for this.

    I confirm it fixed it.

    However, this plugin seriously need updates. There are A LOT of others major issues, making the plugin no more compatible with actual version of bbPress.

    For instance :
    https://wordpress.org/support/topic/uncaught-typeerror-cannot-read-property-speak-of-undefined/ (check and apply this)
    – Frontend dropdown no more working because admin ajax url is missing in plugins\buddy-bbpress-support-topic\includes\functions.php

    wp_localize_script( 'bpbbpst-topic-js', 'bpbbpstbbp_vars', array(
    		        'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),
    			'securitycheck' 			=> __( 'Security check failed', 'buddy-bbpress-support-topic' ),
    			'supportStatus'				=> wp_list_pluck( bpbbpst_get_support_status(), 'prefix-title', 'value' ),
    			'loading'       			=> __( 'loading', 'buddy-bbpress-support-topic' ),
    			'statusChangeSuccess' => __( 'Topic status successfully changed.', 'buddy-bbpress-support-topic' ),
    			'statusChangeError'		=> __( 'An error occurred when changing the status.', 'buddy-bbpress-support-topic' )
    		) );

    – Metaboxes are not showing up anymore in forums topic edit screen.
    Check plugins\buddy-bbpress-support-topic\includes\admin.php, line 60.
    add_action( 'bbp_forum_attributes_metabox', array( $this, 'forum_meta_box_register' ), 10 );

    This won’t work because bbp_forum_attributes_metabox is an unknown action from bbPress. They probably changed the way they handle metaboxes.

    This line needs to be replaced by add_action('add_meta_boxes', array( $this, 'forum_meta_box_register'), 10, 1);

    Well. This plugin is completely down 🙁 🙁 🙁 But obviously, if you apply all my fixes, it should work back to normal.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Thomas.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Thomas.

    It’d be great if this would be included in the next version.

    I really don’t think that the author is planning any new version till he did not respond to my one-year-old support ticket, and since this plugin has not been updated for years.



    @tlartaud thanks much for these fixes, you are a hero, I wish all the abandoned plugins be updated people like you, good job 🙂

    btw why dont you take over the plugin to make your own with updates? it would be fair I think.



    @edmondoddy Don’t worry, I am already developing some plugins, I don’t need to own many plugins since this would mean I should maintain them. Really don’t want to do that if they are free plugins generating no income 🙁




    @tlartaud how can we find plugins developed by you? I hope you meant public ones… 🙂

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