Thank you for the valuable feedback.
Since I installed WPML, the products get doubled based on how many languages I set. Is there any way to have the products uniquely and not doubled or tripled based on how many languages are set?
Sorry, currently Stock Manager for WooCommerce plugin is partially compatible with the WPML plugin and it will show a separate record for the main product and all of its translations. However, we have taken note of the same and will keep you posted about it.
Then could you implement the choice between published or draft products?
We have taken a note of the same and will keep you posted about it.
Alternatively, you can also check with our best store management plugin – Smart Manager using which you would be able to filter the products based on it’s status and you can manage any custom field for any custom post type like WooCommerce Products, Orders etc.
Click here to check the Smart Manager Demo.
okay, thank you for the answer
I’ll look at the demo if it’s right for me
You’re welcome! 
Please create a new support thread here if you have any questions regarding Smart Manager plugin.