• Resolved PeterBP


    I’ve noticed a warning in the error_log – this one tripped about 15000 times in the past 9 hours and goes back possibly to the update I did on May 28, or further.

    [10-Jul-2024 02:56:17 UTC] PHP Warning: Undefined array key 4039 in /home/abcdef/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/SpellChecker.php on line 811

    The key changes but everything else is the same.

    WP 6.4.x
    PHP 8.1 EA
    404 Solutions 2.35.9

    line 811 is: if (is_array($minDistances[$minDist])) {

    I went to the plugin’s debug log and it threw a critical error.
    “GET /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=abj404_solution&subpage=abj404_debugfile HTTP/2” 500

    I switched to PHP 8.0. & 7.4 and the 404 Solutions debug page is blank.

    I found the log here https://www.<<>>/wp-content/uploads/temp_abj404_solution/abj404_debug.txt
    But despite edit timestamp being today, the last row is from November 2023:
    2023-11-03 11:41:47 AEDT (INFO): deleteOldRedirectsCron. Old captured URLs removed: 22, Old automatic redirects removed: 0, Old manual redirects removed: 0, Old log lines removed: 0, New log size: 100.03MB, Duplicate rows deleted: 0, Debug file size limited: false, Admin email notification option turned off., Permlink cache rows updated: 0, User initiated: false

    Thanks for you plugin, it’s been very useful. Any idea about this one?

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  • Thread Starter PeterBP


    Sorry I found the newer log file, here is a sample of the problem – which might be to do with really long base64 strings in the requested URLs, for all sorts of posts and pages.

    2024-07-10 12:56:20 AEST (ERROR): ABJ404-SOLUTION Normal error handler error: errno: 2, errstr: "Undefined array key 4014",
    errfile: "/home/abcdef/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/SpellChecker.php",
    errline: 811, \nAdditional info: "Likely match IDs processing permalink: /pay-equity/the-pay-gap-what-can-you-do-about-it/, $wasntReadyCount: 0", mbstring: true, PHP version: 8.1.28, WP ver: 6.4.5, Plugin ver: 2.35.9, Referrer: , Requested URL: /events/the-vine-brisbane-july-2024/data:text/javascript;base64,dmFyIHdjcGFfZnJvbnQ9eyJhcGlfbm9uY2UiOm51bGwsInJvb3QiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvcGFybG91ci5vcmcuYXVcL3dwLWpzb25 ….
    Stored debug messages:
    Trace: #0 /home/abcdef/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/ErrorHandler.php(89): ABJ_404_Solution_Logging->errorMessage('ABJ404-SOLUTION…') 1 /home/abcdef/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/SpellChecker.php(811): ABJ_404_Solution_ErrorHandler::NormalErrorHandler(2, 'Undefined array…', '/home/abcdef/…', 811) 2 /home/abcdef/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/SpellChecker.php(588): ABJ_404_Solution_SpellChecker->getLikelyMatchIDs('javascript;base…', 'events the vine…', 'pages') 3 /home/abcdef/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/SpellChecker.php(405): ABJ_404_Solution_SpellChecker->matchOnPosts(Array, 'events/the-vine…', 'javascript;base…', 'events the vine…', 'pages') 4 /home/abcdef/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/SpellChecker.php(314): ABJ_404_Solution_SpellChecker->findMatchingPosts('events/the-vine…', '1', '1') 5 /home/abcdef/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/includes/WordPress_Connector.php(277): ABJ_404_Solution_SpellChecker->getPermalinkUsingSpelling('events/the-vine…') 6 /home/abcdef/public_html/wp-content/plugins/404-solution/404-solution.php(139): ABJ_404_Solution_WordPress_Connector->process404() 7 /home/abcdef/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(324): abj404_404listener('') 8 /home/abcdef/public_html/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(348): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) 9 /home/abcdef/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php(517): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) 10 /home/abcdef/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php(13): do_action('template_redire…') 11 /home/abcdef/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(19): require_once('/home/abcdef/…') 12 /home/abcdef/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/abcdef/…') 13 {main}
    Thread Starter PeterBP


    All these weird mile-long URLs are from the Facebook crawler – according to useragent and IP. Not yet sure how that operates but stack overflow says it is not well behaved.

    Useragent “facebookexternalhit/1.1 (+http://www.facebook.com/externalhit_uatext.php)”

    Plugin Author Aaron


    Thanks for letting me know about the warning messages.

    I’ll try to get to this soon, but I’m traveling and don’t have my computer available to me at the moment.

    Thread Starter PeterBP


    Thanks. No hurry. I’ve been able to sidestep the issue by moving the Facebook externalhit useragent to Internal User Agents in Options.

    Plugin Author Aaron


    I’m sure you’ve forgotten about this, but I think I fixed this so I’ll go ahead and close the ticket.

    Thread Starter PeterBP


    Thanks Aaron!

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