• karinjansevrgmailcom


    This Payfast extention is still running on PHP 7 and conflicts with PHP 8 that WordPress is running on.

    [05-Dec-2024 12:54:57 UTC] PHP Warning:  The magic method WC_Eftsecure::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /home/cp62088097/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-eftsecure-gateway/woocommerce-gateway-eftsecure.php on line 66

    PHP 8 requires magic methods to be public but in PHP7 they are private.
    see website php.watch / versions / 8.0 / magic-method-signatures

    This gives a 500 server error when woocommerce redirects to payfast, making payfast inaccessible.

    Neither Woocommerce nor Payfast seem to be administrating this plugin. They are pointing fingers at each other to update the plugin. That does not leave me with a lot of confidence in Payfast as a company.

    I have switched to YOCO and found it a dream to work with. Excellent support and painless to add to my site.

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  • Plugin Support Shameem R. a11n


    Hi @karinjansevrgmailcom ,

    Thank you for bringing this to our attention and sharing the detailed error log. I understand how frustrating it can be to encounter compatibility issues, especially when updating your PHP version.

    The warning regarding the __wakeup() magic method, and the resulting 500 server error is indeed related to the plugin’s compatibility with PHP 8.1. While I haven’t been able to replicate the 500 error in my test environment, the warning you mentioned aligns with recent PHP version requirements.

    I’ve created a bug report for the development team to investigate and resolve the compatibility problem: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-gateway-payfast/issues/271

    Your feedback is incredibly valuable, and we’re committed to ensuring this plugin works seamlessly with modern environments. If you have any further insights or details, feel free to share them here, and I’ll ensure they’re relayed to the team.

    Thank you again for your patience and for highlighting this.

    Plugin Support Shameem R. a11n


    Hi @karinjansevrgmailcom

    [05-Dec-2024 12:54:57 UTC] PHP Warning:  The magic method WC_Eftsecure::__wakeup() must have public visibility in /home/cp62088097/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-eftsecure-gateway/woocommerce-gateway-eftsecure.php on line 66

    Upon further testing, it looks like the issue here potentially refers to a different extension – the EFTsecure gateway extension, not Payfast Gateway extension.

    In this case, I would suggest contacting the EFTsecure payment gateway developer for further support.


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