• Resolved billmalone


    Hi. Using the GoDaddy Mins theme and I would like better control of the spacing/padding/whitespace associated with the Menu. In general, there is too much white space below the menu and the top of the header image. If the menu could be more in line with how much whitespace exists between the bottom of the logo and the top of the header, then that would be a good start. If both the bottom of the logo and bottom of the top-level menu are on the same horizontal plane, then the whitespace bewteen the menu and header should decrease – which is what I want.

    I have played with some css code snippets that I found when searching, but still haven’t quite achieved what I want. I will start with that – although hopefully I can learn some things and then apply what I have learned to sub-menus.

    P.S Maybe another way is adjust the vertical height of the logo, which I presume will make the menu line-up better horizontally, thus reducing the whitespace.

    Thank you.

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  • Hi @billmalone,

    Do you have a link to your site? I’d be happy to investigate and see what sort of CSS I can provide for you.


    Thread Starter billmalone


    My bad – could have sworn I put it in my post. Thank you.


    Thread Starter billmalone


    Hi @billmalone,

    To remove the white space beneath the menu items, you can minimize the amount of bottom padding on the .site-title-wrapper element.

    .site-title-wrapper {
       padding-bottom: 15px;

    I think that’s what you’re trying to achieve. Let me know is that helps at all.


    Thread Starter billmalone


    Thank you for comprehending and offering to help. Yes, that is what I wanted to do. I eventually settled on .25px for the least amount of padding. I wonder what is the lowest value I can supply – it didn’t seem to respond to negative numbers.

    But, I am pretty darn happy with it as is. Thank again.


    Hi @billmalone,

    No problem at all – glad that I could help fix that up for you. Sorry that you weren’t getting an appropriate response through the other channels. I did see that 15px seemed to be the border of your site logo. Anything lower than that wouldn’t go beyond the site logo border – so that seems to be the minimum.

    If you ever have any other issues or questions, feel free to post back here. I’m usually around and fairly quick to respond to anything that pops up.

    Have a great rest of your week!


    Thread Starter billmalone


    That’s great support, thank you.


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