List view

List View is a new tool to help you navigate between layers of content and nested blocks. It’s currently visible in the Top Toolbar and will remain open as you navigate through your content. This makes it easy to move between the exact pieces of content you want to alter, whether that’s an individual Paragraph block at the very end of a post or a Columns block that contains a beautiful selection of products to choose from. Think of it as the ultimate tool to navigate block complexity, select exactly what you need, and easily view all of the blocks that make up your content at once.

How to use List View

How to find List View

You can find List View in the top toolbar of the editor:

The list view button on the editor

How to open and close List View

To open list view, select the List View icon as shown above. This will cause the view to open and stay open until you close it once more. You can close List View by either selecting the “x” or by selecting the List View icon once more.

Screencast displaying how to open and close the list view

Since WordPress 6.4 version, list view will show image previews for Image and Gallery blocks.

List view displaying image previews for Image and Gallery blocks.
List view displaying image previews for Image and Gallery blocks.

How to select blocks

List View allows you to both see all of your content at once and select any block you’d like. To select a block and bring it into focus, click on the name of the block in List View. This will select that layer of content for you to then customize to your liking.

How to select multiple blocks

You can select multiple blocks at one in the List View by holding down the “shift” key and clicking on them.

Screencast of the list view displaying how to select multiple blocks.

How to drag and drop blocks

After opening List View, select the block or section of blocks you want to drag and drop. After selecting, you can then drag and drop the content wherever you’d like within the List View sidebar. You are not able to drag and drop within the Editor itself.

Selecting multiple blocks on the list view

How to make changes to individual blocks

Each block within List View has a three dot menu that you can click on to take further action on the block itself. You can also select a block and delete it with ease using your keyboard controls.

Opening the menu list for any block on the list view

How to collapse sections

Next to each section of blocks, you’ll see an arrow icon that you can click to collapse or expand sections of blocks. This is helpful if you’re trying to navigate between complex content in order to more readily focus on different sections.

The arrow icon next to each block to collapse or expand block

How to help distinguish between blocks

If a block has an ID/anchor set, it’s displayed in List View so it’s easier to distinguish between other blocks and reference as you want. Here’s an example with a IDname anchor:

The ID or anchor set for a block on the list view

Locked Blocks

If a block has been locked, a small icon will show next to its name in the list view.

Screenshot of the list view with a locked quote block.

Template Parts & Synced Patterns

Template parts and synced patterns are highlighted in purple to distinguish them from regular blocks. This highlight/outline is visible in the editor area and in the list view itself.

Screenshot of the list view with template parts and reusable blocks being highlighted in purple.

Outline Section

There is an alternative next to the List View called “Outline”. The outline displays the follow post information:

  • Number of characters.
  • Number of words.
  • Time to read.
  • Heading structure.
The outline tab on the list view

Demonstration of List View



  • 2024-04-16
    • Updated a screenshot and alt texts
  • 2024-01-25
    • Add media previews to list view for gallery and image blocks
  • 2023-08-08
    • WordPress 6.3 renamed Reusable Block to Patterns
  • 2021-07-09 Created
  • 2023-06-14 Updated to reflect how the “info” section is now inside the list view.
  • 2023-07-17
    • WordPress 6.3 renamed Reusable Block to (Synced) Patterns

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