
This plugin has been closed as of December 12, 2013 and is not available for download. Reason: Unknown.


February 7, 2017
I use dashicons along with fontawesome and glyphicons. Check out my bootstrap style dashicons cheatsheet.
February 7, 2017
Thanks to you, new admin UI in 3.8 looks really awful! Oh people, when you will just stop copying Microsoft’s waste and use no-name fonts? Another blind mass hysteria.
February 7, 2017
Hello. Just updated to 3.8 version and vomited. Hello, design from just-after-millenuum. Ugly fonts, dark and eyes-wrestling navigation… And I clearly remember that there was a plugin for wordpress 2.x which made admin area look exactly same. Oh, here it is. Screenshot. But this old plugin looks better the wordpress looks now. What’s with new clean style of navigation from Google and Apple? Why did you return to design 5 years older? Please return admin style from 3.7 and leave this old shitty design in this plugin –
February 7, 2017
I absolutely love MP6. Since found it via a WPMU blog post I have installed it on every site I have. I just love it!
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