

Integrate your online shop with the Colete-Online platform to validate addresses, display courier prices and create courier orders. offers you the ability to use all the major shipping companies available in Romania in one application, all with promotional prices and without the need for contracts. All you need is a colete-online account and you and your users can then use all the features available.

The Colete-Online platform can be used for domestic shipments in Romania or imports and/or exports that are to/from Romania.
The data is sent to our servers for validation, price calculation and order creation.

To use this plugin an account on the platform is needed.

For further information, contact us using the contact methods listed here.


  • Access to most of the delivery companies in Romania with easy access, promotional prices and no contracts needed. Only an account on our platform and you are ready to go.
  • Automatic address validation and completion that helps you avoid delivery problems that usually lead to order cancellation. If the user enters the postal code then the City, County and Street fields will be completed automatically using our database, otherwise based on the City, County and Street combination the postal code will be completed.
  • Multiple settings for displaying delivery options to your clients. You will be able to either provided a preselected delivery method based on your criteria (best price, best performance or preference) or allow the user to choose between some or all of the offers available. You can choose if you want to display a fixed custom price or if you want all the prices to be calculated base on the delivery address and on the cart contents.
  • Multiple settings for courier order activation and AWB generation. You can opt to generate the courier order automatically after the user pays the order or you can generate them later either by bulk activation or by custom advanced activation.

Colete Online website:
Colete Online terms and conditions:

This plugin needs woocommerce to work.


  • This is an example of the checkout page with most of the delivery companies enabled, but this can be configured to allow only some of the shipping options
  • This is an example of city and county autocomplete
  • This is an example of the street autocomplete
  • This is an example of the list of the allowed services on the admin area
  • Image of the ColeteOnline delivery option as woocommerce delivery option


After installing the plugin from the wordpress directory or using the downloaded archive you will need to enter the API credentials generated on the platform and you are ready to use the plugin.

The configuration page where all the settings are available is on WooCommerce -> Shipping -> ColeteOnline.

A full documentation can be found on our website (


January 19, 2024
LE: S-au gândit să facă update la formularul de comandă și să pună implicit versiunea nouă, că așa e frumos, să bagăm pe gât utilizatorului ce vrem noi și nu să-l lăsăm să opteze pentru asta.M-am trezit cu clienții că îmi spun că nu pot să comande pentru că site-ul da eroare cu câmpul Oraș obligatoriu și este necompletat, dar în formular nu există câmpul pentru localitate.A trebuit să intru în setări și să văd ca pot alege formularul anterior care afișează și câmpul pentru localitate. Pentru asta vă taxez cu 2 stele.Niciodată nu faceți update-uri care pot bloca vânzările! Lăsați utilizatorii să selecteze ei “versiunea nouă”. In comparatie cu ce pun la dispozitie curierii, acest modul este foarte bun.Instalarea se face usor (copy paste client id si client secret) si apoi iti setezi ce optiuni de livrare doresti sa afisezi.Are totusi un bug pe care inca nu l-au rezolvat: Cand alegi costul de transport sa fie calculat pe fiecare produs in parte (adica sa creeze colet din fiecare produs individual) , iti calculeaza doar pentru un produs si atunci apar diferente mari.(vorbim de produse cu masa mare (saci de 25 kg, si comenzi cu masa totala peste 100 kg).
December 21, 2023
Folosesc modulul de peste 2 ani si sunt foarte multumit. Integrarea este simpla si cu multe optiuni de configurare. Are cautare automata a adreselor si a codurilor postale si awb-urile se genereaza instant la toate firmele de curierat. Este cu mult peste alte solutii (chiar si platite). Suportul tehnic este prompt si individualizat. Recomand cu drag!
November 5, 2021
A fost usoara integrarea si la teste se comporta foarte bine dar de exemplu la numarul strazii face ca acest camp sa fie obligatoriu chiar daca el este optional in woocommerce si ce facem cu strazile care nu au numar? Solutia a fost sa adaug in placeholder “Număr (Scrie “FN” dacă nu există)” dar nu stiu daca este o solutie buna. De asemeni ceva optiuni CSS ar fi fost bune.
Read all 4 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Colete-Online” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Colete-Online” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Colete-Online” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



Add fixed point (locker) from and to options
Allow the option to customize the checkout and add only desired fields
Add possibility to add tracking code in emails sent to customers


Add more control for package content autocomplete
Improve customer address page


Fix php short tags use case.


Autofocus search inputs.
Fix some plugin incompatibilities with other plugins.


Add option for optimized autocomplete search.


Fix some translations in Romanian.
Limit the number of characters for address number to 10.
Allow decimals in fixed price.
Improve street autocomplete options.


The initial release.