

This plugin has been closed as of February 6, 2019 and is not available for download. This closure is permanent. Reason: Author Request.


October 4, 2018
Thank you so much for your time saving plugin. With a little php knowledge your plugin is exactly the bridge. And in my workflow its a great way to completely customize wordpress to a company or a branch of industry. The library based and reusability is outstanding. Wonderful work!!!
July 10, 2017
This is has been my goto plugin for custom fields recently. If anyone planning to use this in future, please get the updated v 2.0 from the github. Awesome! Awesome!
December 23, 2016
I’m a huge fan of and have a developer license for ACF Pro. That said, I needed a solution that I could include with free plugins that offered some of the cool features of Pro like repeating fields (aka Complex fields) and easy options pages. There are a lot of frameworks out there, but I chose this one because it is one of the few that supports repeater/complex field groups well and is easily extensible. Good stuff! FYI, if you want to pull it into the vendor folder via Composer, this worked for me: "require": { "mnsami/composer-custom-directory-installer": "*", "htmlburger/carbon-fields": "*", }, "extra":{ "installer-paths":{ "./vendor/{$name}": ["htmlburger/carbon-fields"] } }
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