Adds a button to the bottom of front-end pages so you can force cache creation of any site page without waiting for it to build manually.
Brought to you by WP Fix It
Back when we started our business in 2009, there were very few companies that were specializing in WordPress Support. It was mostly freelancers that built WordPress sites and then had to support them.
The description says: “Adds a button to the bottom of front-end pages so you can force cache creation of any site page without waiting for it to build manually.”
OK, first of all, the Plugin really adds a button to the admin-panel in the WP-frontend. I didn’t try the option with deactivated admin-panel where the button should show up at the botoom of each page. But I think it also works. First star.
If you click the button the Swift Performance cache is cleared. Second star.
But it is completely cleared. You start a complete cache rebuilding process, which can take several hours with big pages or Woocommerce-Shops with a few thousand items. Damn, this is p.i.t.a…
Maybe exacly this is meant in the description but not said. OK, to be honest, not what I read… to be even more honest, I think the real problem is a misunderstandable description (maybe only for non native speakers) in combination with my just average knowlege of the english language.
But I read kind of: Press the “magic button” an only the cache of this SINGLE page/post/article/whatever is refreshed. Not the damn whole Website.
THIS function would be really useful. In fact Swift Performance already supports refreshing single items (even the Lite-Version), but you can only do this within the Swift-Dashboard. Really fuzzy.
I deleted the plugin, ’cause it only provides a function I already have. As long as the admin-panel is activated I can clear the cache with the Swift-Menu and don’t need one more plugin. So it is totally useless for my way of working with WP an Swift Performance.