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  • Thread Starter xenofon360


    Okay @3sonsdevelopment ,

    I did a purchase via paypal as customer from another paypal account to the paypal account of the shop. Here are the results.

    Order Emails:

    Customer receives:
    Shop receives:
    (You see here by default everything is fine, this field is not attached)

    Paypal Environment:

    Customer receives:
    Shop receives:
    (Here we are! Instead of “saying” only order_id: 4682, it gives this whole order key for customer. The whole invoice is perfect and easy to understand and then comes this unnecessary string and destroys everything.

    Best Regards,
    Xenofon Kaloudis

    Thread Starter xenofon360



    Let’s do this..

    1) Paypal invoices example (this is taken as 2-parts screenshot from Paypal environment by an order. Client receives kind of the same with changed fields like “From” -> “To” etc. Nothing important as you understand).
    PayPal Invoice part 1:
    PayPal Invoice part 2:
    You can see the “Custom” information in the 2nd screenshot and the generated extra big string that appears there.

    2) System Status Report Information follows:

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    Overrides: woostroid/woocommerce/archive-product.php


    3) I haven’t tried none of the two practices that you mention cause i do not want to change the skeleton or to modify something. Invoice is perfect as it is by default. I just need to stop woocommerce send this whole string information. It’s not necessary for the client to see this to understand that his payment is completed. Order number only would be fine for this “Custom” information.

    Thank you for helping with this issue. I am looking forward to your reply.

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter xenofon360


    Hi @3sonsdevelopment ,

    Glad to see you posting here.

    Yes this information (generated every different time with different strings) is attached in PayPal invoices automatically and is being sent to customers.

    I spoke with Paypal and had a ticket for 2 weeks, they reached the point where they told me to speak with WooCommerce they can not handle that, this information is sent by WooCommerce (my eshop system).

    Then i spokewith WooCommerce, they told me to stay here (this forum that we speak) and wait for answers.

    So tell me, what’s the deal here? Why WooCommerce core is sending such an ugly string to be attached on invoices? – How are we going to get rid of this?

    Best Regards,
    Xenofon Kaloudis

    Thread Starter xenofon360



    And if this other developer is your team?

    How much it’s going to cost.

    Let’s change our conversation.

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter xenofon360



    Please i am waiting for your reply.

    Best Regards,w

    Thread Starter xenofon360



    Any reply?

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter xenofon360



    Thank you very much for the response.

    I prefer the way with hook in the functions.php file of the theme folder.

    I need your help with that. I need you to support me here.

    Tell me how we are going to proceed.

    Thank you.

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter xenofon360



    Any reply yet?

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter xenofon360



    Any reply yet?

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter xenofon360



    Thank you for your time.

    I reached version 1.6.x while funcionality went completely wrong. Even in these old versions email didn’t sent to customer.

    I changed plugin’s version back to 1.7.3 as there were no reason to have it downgraded.

    I wish we could change the core of the plugin expected to push system sent this email message… I appreciate your help, i will leave it as it is.

    Thank you again.

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter xenofon360



    Thank you for the quick reply!

    My Theme is not going to work for a WordPress core version more greater than mine. I am sorry for that.

    Are we able to adjust the plugin for my version in this case? – Or more easily, is there an archive version of the plugin that i can install to make them co operate as they should?

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter xenofon360



    Error is very simple, just listen to me please. No need to confuse the ticket conversation.

    1) I install the plugin – OK
    2) I navigate to woocommerce-> settings -> Checkout -> VivaPayments GAteway
    3) I fill all the necessary fields like i want and VivaPayments Merchant ID, VivaPayments API key, VivaPayments CodeId with the credentials that i take from viva environment.
    4) I press save button and no error appears at back end, the only strange thing is that VivaPayments API key field gets blank again (like before i fill it).
    5) I opened plesk logs and i have this for you (this triggers when i press save button):

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter xenofon360



    Anyone here?

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter xenofon360



    Thank you for your quick reply, hope to find the solution soon.

    Open SSL i believe that is auto activated by Plesk Onyx that i use for my website. Also PHP section is not showing me a setting similar to this. If i think not, please tell me to communicate with my hosting providers immediately.

    For wp-config.php file, i have this screenshot for you:

    I haven’t change anything at this section. All are set by default.

    Best Regards,

    Thread Starter xenofon360



    Any news about the command that i need for Plesk scheduled task?

    Best Regards,

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