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  • Thread Starter knzzz


    Enabled Set W3 Total Cache header and purged the cache. Here is the .htaccess file

    # BEGIN W3TC Browser Cache
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    Thread Starter knzzz


    Thank you for your reply. Yes, those options are already checked. I’ve purged the cache.

    Thread Starter knzzz


    Hello @codersantosh,

    All the dropdowns on that page are set as “Default”. Moreover, there’s no Google Maps dropdown in there.
    I was able to remove all the Google Maps scripts by going to Gutentor => Setting => General => Google Maps API Key and emptying the API key input box. This removed google-maps-js, gutentor-google-maps-js, and <link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//' />. Adding it back made it come again. seems like this is not the expected behavior, but yeah, it’s fixed for now.


    Thread Starter knzzz


    I removed it. But the problem persists.

    Thread Starter knzzz


    Hey @agenciesfirst, ty! I uploaded v2.1.4 and the plugin is working fine now.

    Thread Starter knzzz


    Thank you very much!
    The settings page still shows the error for me.
    Should I keep this code in functions.php?

    add_filter( 'webpc_htaccess_mod_rewrite', function( $rules, $path ) {
        return '';
        }, 10, 2 );
        add_filter( 'webpc_htaccess_mod_mime', function( $rules ) {
            return '';
        } );
        add_filter( 'webpc_htaccess_rules', function( $rules, $path ) {
            return '';
        }, 10, 2 );

    Or should I remove it? When I keep these code it, the .htaccess files get cleared and images served are jpg. If I delete these code, the error in plugin page goes away, but images served are still jpg.

    Thread Starter knzzz


    Hello, I just found out that the htaccess files are repeatedly getting cleared after saving from FAQ (Configuration for Multisite Network). I still have FAQ (How to change .htaccess rules?) code in my functions.php. Should I remove it after saving?

    Thread Starter knzzz


    Also, the plugin was working till morning. I also did update all the pending updates. I do have WP Total Cache entries in my .htaccess file. Also, I have no rule that disables rewrites!

    Thread Starter knzzz


    Thread Starter knzzz


    This one worked, thank you.
    I’m not using any other plugins other than those provided in the WPML bundle which includes

    • WPML Media (Version 2.6.4)
    • WPML Multilingual CMS (Version 4.4.10)
    • WPML SEO (Version 2.0.1)
    • WPML String Translation (Version 3.1.8)
    • WPML Translation Management (Version 2.10.6)
    Thread Starter knzzz


    Sadly, the above fix didn’t work. The footnote_inputfield_references_label did show up (and the translations were added), but the translations were not visible in the frontend.

    Thread Starter knzzz


    I contacted WPML and they helped me add the translation for the string. But the translations wont show up in the frontend. The WPML support person said “the options aren’t retrieved by the plugin using get_option function”. What should I do?

    Thread Starter knzzz


    I searched footnote_inputfield_references_label in “String Translation” in WPML but couldn’t find any matches.

    Forum: Reviews
    In reply to: [AMP] 50% Revenue decreased

    Yes, I’ll only recommend amp in blogs and article websites (text/info based). Otherwise its practically useless and might cause more harm than good,

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