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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Stream] GMT Time
    Thread Starter gizmomol


    Yes, your version 3.7 displays local time now.

    I realized it was previously showing the correct GMT time before but local time is easier for people like me.

    Thanks again for your plugin and support.


    Thread Starter gizmomol


    I understand I can add the custom CSS to my theme.

    I will do that and thanks for reminding me and your example.

    That will solve my update proble and thanks for your quick response.

    Thread Starter gizmomol


    That worked very well.

    I was not sure were to put the modified style sheet. Now that you described the location it seems obvious.

    Thanks for your quick response and instructions.

    Thread Starter gizmomol


    It stopped after I filled in the first step and should have seen the second step but did not.

    That’s why I suggested you show the messages to and from so users can see what is wrong.

    I tried SSL Zen on two systems, one on Centos 7 and the other on Linux Mint 19. Both use the Apache web server.

    I believe your plugin would be a good service to many WordPress users if it works for everyone.

    Thread Starter gizmomol



    I hope your update is useful for many people. It certainly will help our former mailing list members and probably me more than them because I had to rematch their comment emails to the correct posts each time they used the same subject.

    The new postie filter gives us the ultimate choice of which posts to match but in our case I suspect using the latest date with a matching post title will already solve our problem.

    Thanks for your excellent plugin and support.

    Thread Starter gizmomol


    Its not really a bug after all.

    I originally had my site set up with a non-standard wp-content folder because it helped reduce the attempts to mine the wp-content folder for bad plugins vulnerabilities. The wp-config docs say we can redefine those, but my experience in thew last two years is it interfered with too many updates.

    Eventually I changed the folder back to wp-content and used a symbolic link to wp-content for my original folder name. There must still be some of the old folder name in the wp_posts guid field.

    I found that if I changed the function “check_filenames()” file_path to use this instead of the original, it does not block anymore:

    $file_path = wp_upload_dir()['basedir'];

    Thanks for your very useful plugin.

    Thread Starter gizmomol


    Just realized I am also seeing blocks after media deletes with Req: “POST” and Filename “admin-ajax.php”

    Thread Starter gizmomol


    It’s working well now.

    Thanks again for the quick response. I am impressed.

    Thread Starter gizmomol


    I have three “postie_post_before” filters in filterPostie.php.

    Today, I added a test for an empty $post array at the beginning of all three filters which return null if empty.

    There were some conditions where I added the ‘<br/>’ tag at the end of the content in two of these filters. Updated to only add the tag if content is not empty.

    For the specific problem of “Automated reply:”, the debug output for “Post postie_post filter” is:
    Post postie_post filter
    postie_post filter cleared the post, not saving.

    I believe this solved my support question.

    Thanks for your support

    Thread Starter gizmomol


    I have three “postie_post_before” filters enabled. I discovered that when I moved the above “filter_title” function last, it discards the “Automatic reply” email.

    So when a filter makes the $POST null, it can cause any following filters to misbehave.

    Is it wrong to return null? I suppose all filters should check if $POST is null first before doing anything.

    Thread Starter gizmomol


    I just sent it.


    Thread Starter gizmomol


    The ‘postie_post_before’ filter, as above, did cause a result, just not the ignore result I hoped for.

    Instead of completely ignoring the email, it left the two temporary Postie files “tmpFile” and “tmptitle”.

    Thread Starter gizmomol


    Thanks, I checked and see all the Postie category options are already set to “No”.

    Thread Starter gizmomol


    I have a ‘postie_post_before’ filter like the code below:

    add_filter('postie_post_before', 'filter_title'); 
    function filter_title($post) {
       if (substr($post['post_title'], 0, 16) == 'Automatic reply:') {
           return null;
       return $post;
    Thread Starter gizmomol


    My “fix” introduced an error when people wanted to edit a post, they always had a post id of 0.

    I changed the function to save the original post id and restore it before exiting this function. Then checks ownership of the post and sets the media as unattached only if the current user does not own the post the comment is on.

    This is the modified function:

    function mdc_comment_toolbar() {
        global $post;
        global $current_user;
        // save post ID
        $post_id_orig = $post->ID;
        /* a post->ID of '0' means the media is unattached.
        ** if the current user does not own the post, use post->ID = '0'
        ** or if the user can 'edit any post', keep the post->ID
        $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
        if ( !(( current_user_can('edit_others_posts')) || ($current_user->ID == $post->post_author)) ) {
          $post->ID = 0;
        wp_editor( '', 'comment', array(
          'textarea_rows' => textarea_rows(),
          'teeny' => is_teeny(),  //hide some icons
          'quicktags' => is_quick_tag(),  //enable html toolbar
          'media_buttons' => is_media_button(),
          'drag_drop_upload' => is_media_button()
        $toolbar = ob_get_contents();
        // make sure comment media is attached to parent post
        $toolbar = str_replace( 'post_id=0', 'post_id='.get_the_ID(), $toolbar );
        // get back post ID
        $post->ID = $post_id_orig;
        return $toolbar;
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