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  • Having also errors:
    Strict Non-static method ilcInit::the_sql_results() line 210 (admin_table.php)
    Strict Non-static method ilcInit::the_sql_results() line 259 (internal-links.php)
    Missing argument 2 for wpdb::prepare() on line 239 and defined on line 992 (wp-db.php)
    vsprintf(): Too few arguments on line 1006 (wp-includes\wp-db.php)

    meta box showing but thats all no links (posts nor pages)

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: taxonomies
    Thread Starter another-webmaster


    ok found it out myself.

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: taxonomies
    Thread Starter another-webmaster


    $site_list = wp_get_post_terms ($post->ID, 'site', array( "fields" => "names") );

    Nice output on the post (used echo’s etc. so it would look good on the post) but again, I am stuck because of the same reason, how to do it with multiple taxonomies/terms?
    Yes maybe I forgot to mention but I am not a coder/programmer just a webdesigner/user.

    So please could you add a sample for at least 2 taxonomies and terms, because reading the codex is not helping me for that, they have no samples for multiple taxonomies/term use.(yes they say it is possible, but they don’t tell how to do 🙁 )

    Or do I overlook some now?

    Forum: Hacks
    In reply to: taxonomies
    Thread Starter another-webmaster


    So how to prevent (because that is the knowledge I am missing!!!) that overwriting. Please could you enlighten me?

    I used partly the code from codex A Basic Example.

    Edit: using wp_get_post_terms did not change any, result is the same.

    Any chance it will be updated soon?

    There is probably another issue you facing because your page should load
    normally the full list.

    If you use the “Generate Tag” you choose Drop-down menu and give in (the field named Choices, 1 on each line!) all the countries you wish.

    Look here (image), works like a charm.
    Still having issues? Check your other code because this (as shown on img sample) is as it has to be.
    Still not convinced, look also here.

    Maybe this in your wp-config?

    define( 'WPCF7_ADMIN_READ_CAPABILITY', 'manage_options' );
    define( 'WPCF7_ADMIN_READ_WRITE_CAPABILITY', 'manage_options' );

    Look in backend, tab name is contact, select specific form(if more then 1) and change the field you want to.

    Maybe this helps you a little more?

    Some like this in the form itself:

    <p>Country <sup>1</sup><br />
    [select* Country id:country class:country include_blank "USA" "Canada" "Zimbabwe" "Austria" "France"]</p>

    And this in the Message body:

    Selected country: [Country]

    Ofcourse just a sample but works like a charm.

    Is it solved, or still waiting?

    Thread Starter another-webmaster


    Having here:

    WordPress v3.51 , theme Desk Mess Mirrored v2.2 with child theme Multi v2.1.1. (is child theme of Desk Mess Mirrored)
    It all is in a protected work envirement. (In a sandbox, here in vmware with wamp setup, so it is not a live situation but it simulates it)
    The issue I have, it seems that Desk Mess Mirrored theme allows not the option to use excerpt in postings on the frontpage. Although it shows the excerpt as soon you click an archive.

    I thought that I made some mistake in re-coding but as soon I switch back to the Twenty Twelve theme excerpt works, so it is missing for the frontpage in Desk Mess Mirrored theme.
    This file: desk-mess-mirrored.php is “responsible” for it and already changed some code and it seems to work but not in a way as it has to be 🙂 Now it shows(forces) nicely the excerpt on the frontpage but it even seems to overrule the –more– option when we don’t want to use the excerpt.

    Org code:

    if ( is_home() || is_front_page() || is_single() || is_page() || ( is_author() && ( $count == 1 ) ) ) {
    the_content( __( 'Read more... ', 'desk-mess-mirrored' ) ); ?>
    <div class="clear"><!-- For inserted media at the end of the post --></div>
    <?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<p id="wp-link-pages"><strong>' . __( 'Pages:', 'desk-mess-mirrored' ) . '</strong> ', 'after' => '</p>', 'next_or_number' => 'number' ) );
    } else {
    the_excerpt(); ?>
    <div class="clear"><!-- For inserted media at the end of the post --></div>
    <?php } /** End if - is home */

    Changed it to following:

    if ( is_home() || is_archive() ||  is_search()  || is_category() )
    the_excerpt(); ?>
    <div class="clear"><!-- For inserted media at the end of the post --></div>
    <?php } else { ?>
    <?php the_content( __( 'Read more... ', 'desk-mess-mirrored' ) ); ?>
    <div class="clear"><!-- For inserted media at the end of the post --></div>
    <?php wp_link_pages( array( 'before' => '<p id="wp-link-pages"><strong>' . __( 'Pages:', 'desk-mess-mirrored' ) . '</strong> ', 'after' => '</p>', 'next_or_number' => 'number' ) ); ?>
    <?php } /** End if - is home */

    I hope the theme author has a solution which is better then my temporarily solution.

    Thread Starter another-webmaster


    @sridhar , a sandbox is in this case a testing environment.




    Assuming is your website?! If so only reply with yes it is, or another link I can contact you (Ofcourse only if you want!).
    Clarifying why: I will respond there by e-mail so it is not off-topic here. (Mods don’t like that, and it is not confusing others).




    My .htaccess files are making things run really slow because there are so many IP

    Just some hints (don’t take it personal I just hope this helps you some more, and gives you info you maybe was not aware of ?!)to “speed up” some browsing for your sites.

    Taken both links you mentioned and did a fast check. It is not the (only) .htaccess which (could) slowing down your sites it is the combination of missing (a lot easy code)some important code which could help.

    Your site(s) are not using gzip for example, check with this link shows it innerhalve 5 seconds: Gzip test

    Make sure you have made backups before adding your files.

    You could try to compress by adding following code at the top (must be the first line!!) of your header.php:

    <?php if (substr_count($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'], 'gzip')) ob_start("ob_gzhandler"); else ob_start(); ?>

    Note: If it cause problems on your server you should remove it (it is just a quick “dirty” help which already could solve some)
    Or drop following in your .htaccess (don’t add in header.php and .htaccess at same moment, try one at a time!!!):

    ########## Begin - Automatic compression of resources
    # Compress text, html, javascript, css, xml, kudos to
    # May kill access to your site for old versions of Internet Explorer
    # The server needs to be compiled with mod_deflate otherwise it will send HTTP 500 Error.
    # mod_deflate is not available on Apache 1.x series. Can only be used with Apache 2.x server.
    AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain text/html text/xml text/css application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/rss+xml application/javascript application/x-javascript
    ########## End - Automatic compression of resources

    Note: If it cause problems on your server you should remove it

    Using Etags are also a little help, sample code you could use/add into your main .htaccess:

    FileETag MTime Size

    Note: If it cause problems on your server you should remove it

    There are many ways to speed up sites (even without using plugins), slow loading sites also could have other reasons. (think about your webhoster) A few blocked ip’s aint slowing down that much.

    Another help could be GTmetrix to analyze performanze!(Used this one to check your links and it explained already some, as mentioned above)

    You showed some blocked ip’s, to prevent mass block ip lists inside your .htaccess there is no need to give in ip’s more then once!
    The list shows for example:


    Using 204.93.60.* is already enough to block those other 5 so no need to have them overthere. (The asterisk is already telling the server that every number at the place of your asterisk should be blocked)

    To block some hacking tools they use following in your .htaccess could not harm:

    # Block most common hacking tools
    SetEnvIf user-agent "Indy Library" stayout=1
    SetEnvIf user-agent "libwww-perl" stayout=1
    deny from env=stayout

    Another cause of slowing down a site is “misusing” social share buttons. (I don’t want to be nasty but on there is a reason to look over again imho)

    There is nothing worse then being under attack but some code could indeed help to prevent them keeping going on.
    Above mentioned code is just an example to do some quick tricks and may/or may not help you solving some issues.




    I am afraid that the developer gives no support anymore.
    Having the same issue, so it’s still not updated and seems
    only compatible up to: 3.3.2

    Another BIG issue is that it uses over 7Mb when activated
    Anyone knows how to solve both problems, or is the second related to the first?

    Looking forward to solve this. Thanks for time and effort in advance.

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