Zones – No postcodes?
Hi Daniel, first time user of your New Zealand Shipping Zones for WooCommerce pluggin.
Question, when your plugin is installed and activated, does it populate WooCommerces shipping zones “Limit to specific ZIP/postcodes” with data (ie post codes)? I’m trying to get NZ’s rural delivery sorted and can only think that it can be done by limiting by postcode.I’ve installed and activated the plugin, 4 zones within WooCommerce shipping have been added;
North Island (Rural), Zone region = New Zealand
South Island (Rural), Zone region = New Zealand
North Island, Zone region = Everywhere
South Island, Zone region = EverywhereHowever, there is no limiting by post code contnet, does this sound like how the plugin is meant to function? I was hoping that your plugin would magiaclly populate the rural post codes area.
I’ve checked the hosting platform and php.ini reports that allow_url_fopen = On (apprently).
Any feedback is greatly appreciated…
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