• Es ist unfassbar, was sich Prosodia erlaubt. Da wird Nutzern wegen angeblichen Verstößen gegen die Lizenzbedingungen die Nutzung des Plugins entzogen. Da sollte sich die VG Wort mal zu äußern und einen Anwalt einschalten. Nicht empfehlenswert. U.a. betroffen von dieser Art der Zensur ist eine Satireseite. Um welchen Verstoß es sich handelt, will Prosodia aber nicht sagen. Pfui!

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by webmasterlein.
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  • Plugin Author Dr. Ronny Harbich


    Um welche Website handelt es sich denn? qpress.de? Diese verstößt in der Tat gegen die Lizenzbedingungen:

    Prosodia VGW OS darf nicht auf Websites verwendet werden, deren Inhalt – auch teilweise – Formen von Rechtspopulismus, Rechtsextremismus, Antisemitismus, fundamentalistischer Religiosität, Desinformation (u. a. „Fake News“), Kinderpornografie, Sexismus, Rassismus, Diskriminierung, verfassungsgemäß/gesetzlich Verbotenem einschließt.

    Diese Website ist mitnichten Satire, sondern ein Fall von Desinformation. Wer unser kostenloses Produkt verwenden darf, obliegt allein uns (vgl. UrhG).

    Wider den Fake News!

    Thread Starter webmasterlein


    Eben drum: Zensur! Und hier einen Seitenbetreiber in Zusammenhang mit der Verbreitung von Kinderpornografie zu diffamieren, ist, auch wenn es “ausgegraut” ist, ziemlich daneben.

    Plugin Author Dr. Ronny Harbich


    Schreiben Sie gern weiter Ihre (unbewiesenen) Behauptungen. Toben Sie sich gern aus. Gern auch weiterhin anonym – das zeugt von Größe.

    Zitiert wurden meinerseits die Lizenzbedingungen. Fett hervorgehoben wurde meinerseits der Punkt „Desinformation“. Das soll ausdrücken, dass genau hier ein Verstoß gegen die Lizenzbedingungen vorliegt. Ein Vergleich mit „Kinderpornografie“ findet nicht statt (wo sehen Sie diesen?)

    Thread Starter webmasterlein


    Was ist denn Desinformation? Gibt es da eine klare juristisch haltbare Definition? Und es stört Sie, dass ich hier anonym schreibe. Wird bestimmt bald verboten. Bis dahin können Sie nach China oder Nordkorea auswandern.

    Plugin Author Dr. Ronny Harbich


    Lesen Sie gern https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desinformation

    Im Falle von qpress.de sind es schlicht Lügen: z. B. „Nüchtern analysiert ist die Corona-App lediglich eine strategisch gut platzierte Ergänzung zum Staatstrojaner und liefert wunderbare Bewegungsprofile von Menschen.“ (Die „Corona-Wahn-App“ und ihr Warnpotential). Siehe z. B. https://www.heise.de/news/Fragen-und-Antworten-zur-Corona-Warn-App-der-Bundesregierung-4784570.html als Klarstellung.

    Vi veri veniversum vivus vici.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @raubvogel I’m a forum moderator and I want to be clear: You need to stop with these replies.

    Wider den Fake News!

    Vi veri veniversum vivus vici.

    This is a step too far and you are escalating a fight with your users. This is not an appropriate reply. It is fine to explain your point of view. It is not fine to make it worse with your reply.

    If you feel that is appropriate and wish to continue that tone then please consider asking the plugins team to close and remove your plugin from this site. They can be reached via plugins@wordpress.org and I am sure they will help you with that.

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @webmasterlein I have restored your review. Please keep your replies and posts on this site civil.

    This is a section for reviewing the plugin and related items with it. Your review is valid because you are providing feedback for the licensing of this service. That is allowed and permitted here.

    Plugin Author Dr. Ronny Harbich


    Hello, @jdembowski,

    Thank you for intervening in a conciliatory manner! I hope you will allow me to comment on this.

    I don’t understand why

    Wider den Fake News! (Against the Fake News!) Vi veri veniversum vivus vici. (By the power of truth, I, while living, have conquered the universe. [A quote from V for Vendetta.])

    implies a threat like

    If you feel that is appropriate and wish to continue that tone then please consider asking the plugins team to close and remove your plugin from this site. They can be reached via plugins@wordpress.org and I am sure they will help you with that.

    These are no bad words. They underline pithy what I’ve told webmasterlein: We don’t want to support Fake News and other desinformation. Note, futermore in Germany – the plugin is unsful for German blogs only – it seems that Fake News will be forbidden and punished by law in futhre („Netzwerkdurchsuchungsgesetz“ (NetzDG)).

    On the other hand, in my opinion your answer to webmasterlein implies – because you don’t „punish“ them – that word’s like „Es ist unfassbar, was sich Prosodia erlaubt.“ (It’s incredible what prosodia allows itself.) and „und einen Anwalt einschalten.“ (and get a lawyer involved.) and „Pfui!“ (Fie!) are legit? These words are threats and invectives against us. (My words above are just some general „rules“ I follow. These are no threats and/or invectives against webmasterlein.)

    Without wanting to discriminate you, but perhaps someone who natively speaks German should evaluate the language – only if you are not a nativ German speaker.

    Best regards!

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    OK. Tomorrow during a time that’s convenient to their timezone in Germany, I will ask a native German speaker if they can evaluate your words.

    Plugin Author Dr. Ronny Harbich


    Pardon, a „last“ comment, because I forgot to deal with the headline.

    The headline „Zensur per Plugin“ (Censorship per plugin) by webmasterlein says that WE are censoring what? The page qpress.de? Please correct me, but the website qpress.de is not offline, is it? Therefore the headline itself is a kind of disinformation … To clarify, we do not censor any websites/posts.

    Best regards!

    Plugin Author Dr. Ronny Harbich


    @jdembowski, thank you very much!

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    OK, I have asked a person who is a native German language speaker to review this and they have provided me their feedback. This reply will be a little long.

    First off, the terms of the license for this plugin and the controls put in to inform specific sites that they may not use this plugin is a problem. As of now this plugin is not 100% GPL compatible. The license issue and the code in your plugin details has been sent to the plugins team for evaluation.

    The second item: it does appear that the author is trying to combat disinformation. While I may personally feel that is admirable, the term “Fake News” has been hijacked by people who have used it to spread disinformation.

    This is why I have a problem with a plugin author who’s trying to stop that disinformation and using these terms.

    Wider den Fake News!

    Vi veri veniversum vivus vici.

    That said, it is not profanity and it is not name calling (not exactly).

    If the author wishes to use those terms then they are free to do so here. Just please be aware that it is ironic to do so. Too often people who use that term “Fake News” is being disingenuous as they often mean real news is fake and their disinformation is real.

    Because of the license terms, because of the code in the plugin, this review and the other one are valid. While the “Pfui!” part is not flattering, in comparison to other out right insults, that is nothing that needs removal. I have restored the review.

    If anyone feels like replying to this or any other review please remain civil and polite. That is not a lot to ask for.

    Plugin Author Dr. Ronny Harbich


    @jdembowski, thank you for your detailed answer! This is very instructive.

    I agree that the term „Fake News“ is also used by people who spread Fake News (e. g. Trmup). Thank you for pointing that out! Therefore I will use the term with more care (or replace it by „disinformation“). I guess, in Germany the term „Fake News“ is not seen as much hijacked as in USA (see https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fake_News).

    It’s true, there are many stronger insults than „Pfui!“. I cite the Duden dictionary (a standard German dictionary): „pfui <Interj.> [mhd. pfui, phiu, wohl nach dem Geräusch beim Ausspucken]: Ausruf des Missfallens, Ekels, der moralischen Entrüstung: p., schäm dich!; einige im Publikum haben Pfui/pfui gerufen; p. Teufel!“ That means: pfui [phiu, probably after the sound of spitting out]: cry of displeasure, disgust, moral indignation: pfui, shame on you; some in the audience shouted pfui/pfui; pfui devil! Note the examples where pfui is used. For me (and I guess many other Germans) „Pfui“ is not a nice word in many contexts.

    According to the licence and restrictions:
    I don’t see the plugin is violating https://wordpress.org/plugins/developers/ or https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-org/detailed-plugin-guidelines/. GPLv2 says „Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted …“ This means GPLv2 takes no control over program execution. See https://www.ifross.org/en/what-are-obligations-involved-internal-use-software-licensed-under-gplv2 for more details. Therefore, I do not see that we are not allowed to restrict the execution of our plugin (more precisely, we do not restrict the execution, we restrict some functions/features). We do not restrict the right of „copying, distribution and modification“ allowed by GPLv2. Can you clarify please? If I’m wrong, can you please tell me why? Thank you!

    As noted before, the headline „Zensur per Plugin“ („Censorship per plugin“) by webmasterlein says that we are censoring. But what are we censoring? The page qpress.de? Please correct me, but the website qpress.de is not offline, is it? No content is modified by our plugin (see source code). Therefore, the headline itself is a kind of disinformation by webmasterlein, right?

    A personal note: We stand for freedom of press, equality, democracy, the truth (and so on). But, we don’t want to support people (like qpress.de) who fight these values with the support of our free of charge plugin – especially in the context of German history (as said the plugin is useful for German blogs only).

    Best regards! And thanks for the help!

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