• Well, there is an interesting situtation here.

    I have 3 websites, all of them run on Genesis theme. And all of them used to have the GA code in genesis settings, header scripts section..

    However there was also one thing i couldnt understand. Google adsense pageviews was WAY MORE higher than GA pageviews in all 3 sites.

    Well, then someday i installed Yoast GA plugin to one of my sites and the GA traffic record immediately increased by almost %50. And then i installed the plugin to my other 2 sites.And their traffic also increased so much.

    I deactivated the plugin, put the code back to genesis settings and traffic dropped again in all 3 sites. I activated the plugin back.

    Now i think YOAST plugin gives the correct number since adsense pageview numbers confirm this.

    But whats up with this situation?


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