• julianoe


    This plugin was a very simple, basic plugin doing 1 job and 1 job only. You installed it you knew what you were getting. Now it requires an account on a private company’s API. 0 features without an account.

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  • Jona


    Hi Julian,

    Thank you for sharing your concerns. We understand your frustration with the changes made to the plugin, especially when you were accustomed to its simplicity.

    The initial version of the plugin, while straightforward, did not fully meet GDPR compliance standards, such as collecting and storing consent, managing and reporting cookie usage, and preventing third-party scripts from gathering data prior to consent.

    To address these shortcomings, we updated the plugin to provide a comprehensive compliance solution that aligns with GDPR and other international regulations. With an account, you now have access to higher levels of support and guidance, and a robust and actively maintained product that adapts as regulations evolve.

    We take privacy seriously and ensure that all user data, including emails, is handled with the utmost security and confidentiality.

    We appreciate that these changes might not be suitable for everyone, which is why we disabled automatic updates to the plugin before making these changes. This allows users who prefer to remain on the previous version (< v3.0) to do so without disruption.

    We value your feedback and are here to help if you have any more questions or need further assistance.

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