Thanks for using our plugin and reaching out to us. When your feed is blank/empty you most likely made a mistake in configuring your feed. Please see: https://adtribes.io/help-i-have-none-or-less-products-in-my-product-feed-than-expected/
Can you check all the reasons mentioned in your feed and see if any applies to your feed configuration?
When I duplicate that feed with same configuration, Its work fine in the first refresh, but from the second its go error or blank. I think its not about feed configuration
Sounds like a possible caching issue. Are you running any object or server-side caching that might be causing the issue at hand?
Its not work, please help me π
When you clear all of your caching, so that of the plugin and your browser and refresh your feed. Does it show products than?
After clear all caching, plugin and browser. its still blank after refresh π
Than I would like to have a look at your feed configuration. Can you share the following with us:
- Your product feed URL;
- The plugin debug.log URL: this is how you can retrieve the debug.log URL: https://adtribes.io/send-your-debug-log-to-support/
please check link above <3
Thanks for this.
I noticed in the debug log that you enabled all three of these options:
“Include product variations”,”And only include default product variation”, and “And only include lowest priced product variation(s)”.
That is not possible. When you enabled the “Include product variations” option you can only enable one of the others or disable both. You cannot enable them both.
as I said, if setting wrong, why duplicate feed and refresh manual first time then its work fine ?
Can you please don’t put your refresh interval on “no refresh” as that will result in the feed not updating.
I still think the issue at hand is being caused by caching. Otherwise the feed would not work when you make a copy. Is your hosting agency perhaps also running caching software?