• Resolved Keith


    I generated XML files by WP Export (Admin -> Tools -> Export), but I cannot feed that XML file anywhere else.

    For posts, only author, category, image id parts passed check. Other contents (mostly text body in posts) are not. I also ran several fix tools, but nothing works. Any feasible solution? Are plugins create such issue?

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Where exactly are you trying to import the file?

    Thread Starter Keith


    @macmanx Not the right answer, I think, but to Drupal.

    Moderator James Huff


    Ok, I think you’ll need to check with Drupal’s support on that.

    We can only guarentee that the export file will work with importing to other WordPress blogs.

    Also keep in mind that, while it follows the XML schema, the WXR export file is not a universal standard file. With Drupal, you may need a WordPress-specific importer.

    Thread Starter Keith


    @macmanx It does not work on other WordPress websites as well. Otherwise I would have asked elsewhere.

    Moderator James Huff


    Hm, ok that’s odd.

    Try generative a new file with all plugins deactivated.

    Does that new file work?

    Thread Starter Keith


    I also thought it is odd.

    I was doing that plugin by plugin, but so far haven’t done for all plugins simultaneously. Better do so on a waging site. Need sometime to create one. Will get back to you about that, but unless more than two plugins jointly create such problem, this isn’t going to solve the problem.

    Moderator James Huff


    All I can say for sure is I’ve never had corrupt WordPress exports, so just trying to rule-out third parties.

    Thread Starter Keith


    @macmanx It was a plugin + my code snippet. Thx for the support

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