• So i split this up into 4 sections.
    1. Theme Information
    2. My Issues
    3. My Theories as to Why the Issues Exist
    4. What I am Looking for as far as a Solution.

    I have the theme Xebax from “WebInPixel” on themeforest.

    I bought the theme a long time ago and had it saved, and I never used it. I recently found it in some old files I had and i uploaded because it had a lot of cool elements in the layout that i liked (header overlapping the whole website, changing background).

    This is the theme live on the creator’s website: http://www.webinpixels.com/xebax/

    Here is a website I came across that had the theme active with their own modifications: http://TinasheNow.com/site (coming across this website made me think of a similar theme i had, and upon digging through my million files discovered it to be the same theme)

    I am trying to get my site similar to that singer’s website with the slideshow and such as well as the layout’s basic features. For some reason on the backend under the ‘Theme Options” section, the page will NOT let me upload any photos on the backend for the, which is:
    1. Site Logo
    2. Fav Icon
    3. Thumbnail Navigation Photos (the Ft. Images on the homepage like TinasheNow.com)
    4. Background photos
    5. Social Networking Icons.

    It recognizes that there is an upload button for each field, but when I click them they do not pop up window in order for me to upload anything.

    There is also an option on the backend for the “Slider” and you can set the rate at which the photos change, which I am guessing is for the background. How can I add a slideshow at the top like on that TinasheNow.com site?

    Now, after I can get these elements working, I plan on modifying the layout a bit…So i am not trying to exactly copy either site, but of course it is the same theme.

    I do believe whoever made the TinasheNow.com website, or possibly someone else, bought the exclusive rights for that theme as it is not longer available for purchase :/.

    1. I have the newest version of WordPress and the backend Theme Functions might not agree with the update
    2. I have a mac, so I use Safari or Google Chrome, and the functions I am trying to do may only work with the newest version of internet explorer.

    I am just trying to figure out how to get these functions to work! If anyone has this theme, please let me know if you have had an issue!

    Now, I know this is going to be a hard issue to fix since this is a backend question, but if examining my “Theme Functions” file can help, here is the coding for it.

     * Xebax V . 1.0
     * By : WebInPixels
     * @since V 1.0
     * This is parent file of functions that used in this theme,
     * 'lib/functions/' functions files - files under this folder contains functions that used on front end
     * 'lib/admin/' files under this folder contains functions that used on admin (BackEnd)
     * 'lib/modules/' contains any 3rd party plugins or modules
     * 'langs' folder to store the language files ( by default - .po file included under this folder )
    #adding database version, need this to upgrade later
    $xebax_db_version = "1.0";#current db version
    global $xebax_db_version;
    /** ===================================================================================================================================== */
    #define the PATH of function files
    define('XE_BACKEND', TEMPLATEPATH . '/lib/admin');
    define('XE_FUNCTIONS', TEMPLATEPATH . '/lib/functions');
    define('XE_MODULES', TEMPLATEPATH . '/lib/modules');
    /** ===================================================================================================================================== */
    #doing some setup for our theme
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'xebax_setup' );
    if ( ! function_exists( 'xebax_setup' ) ):
    function xebax_setup()
    	if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) $content_width = 940;
    	#add custom css for editor (tinyMCE)
    	#add post-thumbnails
    	add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails', array( 'post', 'portfolio-item' ) );
    	#register default image sizes
    	set_post_thumbnail_size( 60, 60, true );
    	add_image_size('bloglists', 640, 250, true);
    	add_image_size('portfolioview', 190, 190, true);
    	#Add default posts and comments RSS feed links to head
    	add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' );
    	#load the languange folder
    	load_theme_textdomain( 'wip', TEMPLATEPATH . '/langs' );
    	$locale = get_locale();
    	$locale_file = TEMPLATEPATH . "/langs/$locale.php";
    	if ( is_readable( $locale_file ) )
    		require_once( $locale_file );
    	#This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in one location
    	register_nav_menus( array(
    		'primary' => 'Main Navigation',
    	) );
    	add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_false' ); #remove the admin bar, delete this line if you want to show the admin bar
    	add_filter('wp_loaded','flushRules'); #refresh the rules, in some cases this is help some error on custom permalink struc
    	add_action('init', 'wip_install_slider_db', 5);
    /** ===================================================================================================================================== */
    function wip_before_comment_form(){
    	echo '<div id="before-comment-form">' . "\n";
    add_action( 'comment_form_before', 'wip_before_comment_form' );
    function wip_after_comment_form(){
    	echo '</div>' . "\n";
    add_action( 'comment_form_after', 'wip_after_comment_form' );
    /** ===================================================================================================================================== */
     * install the DB, add the require table for category meta data.
    function wip_install_slider_db(){
    	global $wpdb, $xebax_db_version;
    	$cat_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . "categorymeta";
    	#create table for category meta
    	if($wpdb->get_var("show tables like '$cat_table_name'") != $cat_table_name) {
    		$catsql = sprintf('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <code>%scategorymeta</code> (
    		  <code>meta_id</code> bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL auto_increment,
    		  <code>category_id</code> bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
    		  <code>meta_key</code> varchar(255),
    		  <code>meta_value</code> longtext,
    		  PRIMARY KEY (<code>meta_id</code>)
          require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php');
    	   * save the database version into option table, require for update later
    	  add_option("xebax_db_version", $xebax_db_version);
    /** ===================================================================================================================================== */
    #call the global functions files
    require_once(XE_FUNCTIONS . '/theme_setup.php');
    /** ===================================================================================================================================== */
     * Load Backend/Admin Functions,
     * use is_admin() to minimalize the function's conflict in the FRONT END
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/panel.options.php');
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/panel.class.php');
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/panel.functions.php');
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/portfolio_meta_box.php');
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/portfolio.function.php');
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/background.meta.php');
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/page.meta.php');
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/post.meta.php');
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/shortcode.class.php');
    /** ===================================================================================================================================== */
     * Call functions file
    require_once(XE_FUNCTIONS . '/functions.php'); #global functions file
    require_once(XE_FUNCTIONS . '/custom_post.php'); #custom post
    require_once(XE_FUNCTIONS . '/widget.php'); #register sidebar position and custom widgets
    require_once(XE_FUNCTIONS . '/shortcode.php'); #shortcodes functions
    require_once(XE_FUNCTIONS . '/ajax.core.php'); #ajax handler
    /** ===================================================================================================================================== */
    /** call modules && 3rd party plugin included */
    require_once(XE_MODULES . '/sidebar-generator/sidebar-generator.php'); #sidebar generator
    require_once(XE_MODULES . '/wp-pagenavi/pagination.php'); #wp-pagenavi

    If I can edit any of the files in this code manually in order to get my photos/date made

    require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/panel.options.php');<br />
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/panel.class.php');<br />
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/panel.functions.php');<br />
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/portfolio_meta_box.php');<br />
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/portfolio.function.php');<br />
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/background.meta.php');<br />
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/page.meta.php');<br />
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/post.meta.php');<br />
    	require_once(XE_BACKEND . '/shortcode.class.php');<br />

    Then i will gladly do that. If you can help, let me know and I will post (or send you privately, since this is a paid theme I’m not sure how much of its coding I can put publicly) and we can figure out a soluation!

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  • Please contact the theme vendor as we do not have access to commercial themes and we cannot support them. Please go here: http://support.envato.com/

    Hi Misamay,

    For support with a ThemeForest theme, please contact the author of that theme. You can do this from the contact form on the author’s ThemeForest profile page. In the case of this theme, that’s here: http://themeforest.net/user/webinpixels

    Note that Envato support provide support for issues with the marketplace itself, not individual themes. Authors can help there.

    Good luck! 🙂

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