• May not people know how to edit or modify the WordPress2’s theme package,
    So, Where can I find a visual theme editor for WordPress2’s theme?
    This editor can load theme and visulize the layout.
    And we can only do works on the layout then get the php language.

    Thanks for your help. Happy new year. 🙂

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  • There is nothing like that.

    Actually, it does already exist.
    If you open the the write post pane with the post preview and open the Manage/Files/…style.css and make modifications, then refreshing the write post pane reflects the changes you have just made in the style sheet.

    It is a bit clumsy but the pieces are there.

    I wish, someone would catch up with this one and create a built in wysiwyg theme editor.
    The files involved are few like post.php, themes.php, theme-editor.php, etc.

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