• Resolved lernerconsulting


    Prime Mover Version 1.9.5 on WP 6.4.3 with PHP 8.1.18
    WordPress directory location /home/wplive/web/wp-live

    Thousands of links are mangled, looks like all “www” get converted to the WordPress path, e.g. home/wplive/web/wp-live

    Of course, www.domainname gets converted to home/wplive/web/wp-live.domainname but other URLs also.

    Multiple database tables, e.g. wp_blc_instances, wp_e_submissions, wp_options, wp_postmeta, wp_posts, wp_redirection_items, wp_term_taxonomy, and more.

    src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/sil6VPXn1Cc?feature=oembed" frameborder="0"
    src="https://home/wplive/web/wp-live.youtube.com/embed/sil6VPXn1Cc?feature=oembed" frameborder="0"
    <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="//www.slideshare.net/
    <div style="margin-bottom:5px"> <strong> <a href="//home/wplive/web/wp-live.slideshare.net/
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  • Plugin Author Codexonics


    Thank you for using Prime Mover plugin! Sorry to hear you have issues with incorrect search and replacements of URLs. This is a bit strange issue and this is the first time we have seen issues like this.

    To fix this in your restored site having this issue – the following workarounds can be implemented:

    • In your target site options table e.g. wp_options , make sure to set the following options: siteurl and home to your correct domain name URL. For example:

    siteurl = https://www.domainname.test
    home = https://www.domainname.test

    If you target site does not use https, change the above values fromhttps:// to http:// so it will be:

    siteurl = http://www.domainname.test
    home = http://www.domainname.test

    • Once this is corrected, your WordPress admin will be accessible (but your front end and some parts are broken) but you should be able to login.
    • Make sure to have working backups in place before you proceed below.
    • Install and activate Better Search Replace plugin.
    • Go to Tools -> Better Search Replace.
    • In “Search for” field, enter: home/wplive/web/wp-live
    • In “Replace with” field, enter: www
    • In “Select tables“, select all affected database tables belonging only to the target site.
    • Proceed to search and replace by clicking “Run Search/Replace“.
    • It will output the dry run results. If all looks good, unchecked “Run as dry run” and click again “Run Search/Replace” to finally implement the search and replace inside your database.

    This should fix the incorrect replacements back to expected results so it will change the following:


    src="https://home/wplive/web/wp-live.youtube.com/embed/sil6VPXn1Cc?feature=oembed" frameborder="0"


    src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/sil6VPXn1Cc?feature=oembed" frameborder="0"

    And all other affected instances.


    Now we are interested to reproduce this specific issue in our test servers . If you can send the WPRIME package that you have used to restore to your target site – that would be great.

    You can temporarily share the WPRIME package via G Drive / Dropbox or other cloud platforms and send us the link to download the package.

    This way – we will exactly know how those www gets replaced incorrectly and hopefully we could fix this in future release. Thanks again!

    Plugin Author Codexonics


    Thanks again for the details – we are able to reproduce this issue in our test server. This is now fixed with the latest Prime Mover 1.9.6-beta3.

    You can download it here and you can use this beta version to restore the original WPRIME package to your target site. This should fix the issue. We suggest to start with the fresh WordPress install mode if possible before restoring the package.

    We will release a new update (version 1.9.6) once we are done with all the remaining tests. It will be around a week from now. Cheers!

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