• Resolved julian_wave


    I want to use the Simple Sitemap Gutenberg block, but I need to wrap it in an extra div. How would I go about that?

    I saw this example:

    add_filter( 'render_block', 'wrap_table_block', 10, 2 );
    function wrap_table_block( $block_content, $block ) {
      if ( 'core/table' === $block['blockName'] ) {
        $block_content = '<div class="example">' . $block_content . '</div>';
      return $block_content;

    Could I use something like that, if so what would I replace ‘core/table’ with?


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  • Thread Starter julian_wave


    Found out solution myself. Go to admin, and add the block to a page. Then in the inspector look for its data-type. In this case I got “wpgoplugins/simple-sitemap-block” which has done the trick.

    Plugin Author David Gwyer


    Glad you got it sorted Julian. 🙂

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