• Resolved mad99


    Would like to use WPS Hide Login with bricks builder and the “custom authentication pages” in settings in it.
    Have create a “Login” Page (also “Lost Password” and “Reset Password”.) All of them are working fine when I use them hardcoded in url: https://website.com/login

    BUT no matter what I enter in the settings, (even with or without the clickbox “Disable login Bypass”) used the defined “hidden Page” in WPS Hide Login (https://website.com/hidden-door), it always redirect to the ORIGINAL login page of WP. Which would be accessible under wp-admin. INSTEAD of showing the login page created with Bricks under /login that should used by WPS Hide Login and the setting under Login-Url: https://website.com/ [ hidden-door].

    If I deactivate WPS Hide Login Plugin, the login page created with Bricks Builder is displayed via https://website.com/wp-admin.

    Does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong or need to do differently, to make WPS Hilde Login work together with Bricks Builder Custom Authentication Page?

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  • Plugin Support MaximeWPS



    Thanks for using WPS Hide Login.

    Are wp-login.php and /wp-admin pages excluded from cache ?

    Thread Starter mad99


    Hey MaximeWPS,
    thank you for reply and your question.
    It is local dev-environment -> NO cache-plugins or similar stuff. So, no cache at all.
    Do you have experiences with bricks Builder? Should your plugin works out-of-the-box with the custom athentication page from Bricks?
    Or what could cause the problem?

    Plugin Support MaximeWPS


    Not at all…

    Please contact the theme support first. We’ll be able to add a filter with their recommendations.

    Thread Starter mad99


    Thank you MaximeWPS!

    Have asked in the bricksbuilder-forum topic that I have created parallel to this request -> https://forum.bricksbuilder.io/t/how-to-use-wps-hide-login-plugin-with-bricks-bulider-custom-authentication-pages/20525

    Hope I get some advice, so I can share with you.

    • This reply was modified 7 months ago by mad99.
    Thread Starter mad99


    Hey MaximeWPS,
    I found 2 filters thanks to google for use in bricks builders custom authentication pages.
    (and follow).
    I´m not a hardcore wordpress-hacker, but as I understand the first one could be a match of your request.
    As I understand the code :

    add_filter( 'bricks/auth/custom_redirect_url', function( $custom_redirect_url, $current_url_path ) { if ( /* custom condition based on $current_url_path */ ) { return 'https://example.com/custom-redirect'; } return $custom_redirect_url; }, 10, 2 );

    I could use the value of “url_path” from the setup in your WPS Hide Login Plugin setup-page: “hidden-door”. But this would be a bad “static” solution and dangerous when it comes to change.

    Would be better to use a dynamic placehoder out from your plugin. Do you have some kind of this shortcode/variable: Like $wps_hide_login_url_path to use in this filter?
    Like in this fictional example:

    add_filter('bricks/auth/custom_redirect_url', 'custom_redirect_url_filter', 10, 2);
    function custom_redirect_url_filter($custom_redirect_url, $current_url_path) {
        // Check if WPS Hide Login plugin is installed and activated
        if (class_exists('WpsHideLogin') && function_exists('wps_hide_login_get_settings')) {
            // Get WPS Hide Login settings
            $wps_hide_login_settings = wps_hide_login_get_settings();
            // Check if the custom condition based on $current_url_path is met
            if ($current_url_path === '/wp-admin') {
                // Check if a custom redirect URL is set in WPS Hide Login settings
                if (!empty($wps_hide_login_settings['url_path'])) {
                    return esc_url($wps_hide_login_settings['url_path']);
        // Return the default custom redirect URL if conditions are not met
        return $custom_redirect_url;

    Would you think, I have correctly understood the possible implementation/use function in the context of your plugin? And what would be the correct code/plugin variables to include the dynamic values from the settings of your plugin and how would the control queries be correctly integrated?

    This way I can try it out and give you feedback without having to wait a long time for feedback from the forum.

    • This reply was modified 7 months ago by mad99.
    • This reply was modified 7 months ago by mad99.
    • This reply was modified 7 months ago by mad99.
    Plugin Support MaximeWPS



    I understand this snippet shoult be put into your theme functions.php instead of WPS Hide Login files.

    Please try and replace ‘https://example.com/custom-redirect’ by you secret URL.

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