• Resolved olajordan



    I would like to have the name of the person who made an Appointment in the calendar – not just a colour, the same way as in the Admin calender in the panel.

    I also would like to have an alternative to make an appointment for a whole day.

    How could this be solved?


    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • abhishek


    Hi @olajordan,

    Please have a look in screenshot and let me confirm did you want to show your appointment on calendar with client name like this http://prntscr.com/gslfyk


    Thread Starter olajordan


    Yes, thats look nice.

    I also would like to have different colours, depending on which kind of appointment that is made.

    And also an alternative to make an appointment for one day, not just different hours in the day.

    I also don´t want the price to show up – because this calender will be used internally, by friends, so we dont charge any money.

    Is that possible to change too?

    Thanks for quick respons!

    Best Regards!




    Kindly create the new thread for your every query.

    For your this thread show client name in booked appointment on the calendar.

    Follow given instruction.

    1. Go to in your plugin directory >> Appointment-calendar-shortcode.php

    Find code in link and replace in Appointment-calendar-shortcode.php

    Let me know did it work for you.


    Thread Starter olajordan


    It works very well.

    Thanks a lot.

    Best Regards!



    Hi @olajordan

    Glad to know that.

    If you like our plugin and support please don’t forget to share your feedback here https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/appointment-calendar/reviews/?filter=5

    Mark this thread resolved.


    Thread Starter olajordan


    I will.

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