• So I’m working on an edit, and I tested it on localhost, using Wamp. The template I’m using is simple business theme.

    Before I go too much further, I’m not a website developer, or anything else, just wading my way through scripts and whatnot, thanks to google and playing around for the most part.

    So I wanted to add a clickable image into the header, that allows the viewer to link straight to the facebook page for the website. To do this, I first removed all the social media buttons out of the header-content file, located under the themes>simple-business-wp>parts folder. Deleting all the content from the header-content file removed all social icons from the main website. Cool. That’s what I wanted.

    Now when I add my link on localhost, it works just like I want it to. Here’s the coding I put in:

    <div class=”row content_squeeze” style=”text-align: center;”>
    <div class=”col-sm-6 col-sm-push-6″>

    src=”/wp-content/themes/simple-business-wp/images/preview/facebook.jpg” />
    <div class=”col-sm-6 col-sm-pull-6″>
    get_template_part( ‘parts/header’, ‘logo’);

    this puts everything working correctly on localhost.
    I’ve uploaded the image to the same folder on the server, and redirected the link to reflect the correct location while online, but when I add this same source coding online, it breaks the front page, showing nothing. Is there something I’m missing? Not sure why it would work on localhost and not online.

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