• Great plugin but I did notice two issues.

    1) The WebPage name in Yoast Schema doesn’t get processed correctly. You can fix that with this:

    add_filter('wpseo_schema_webpage', function($data) {
        $data['name'] = do_shortcode($data['name']);
        return $data;

    2) If you use the Grow Social by Mediavine plugin then the meta tags will not be processed correctly either (will just show [year] etc). An easy fix is to check the option “Disable Open Graph Meta Tags” in Grow Social’s settings. Since I’m using Yoast I don’t think it was really doing anything anyways.

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  • Plugin Author Gaurav Tiwari


    Thank you so much @sathoro for the tweaks and such an amazing review.

    You’re awesome.

    I am not using Grow Social but I’ll try to ensure compatibility for that as well.

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