• arabek


    I once had an wordpress-mu instance, that was migrated to multisite wordpress once it was released with v3.0… but in time, apart from the main blog, the sub-blogs have become unused, and i want to (to simplyfy management) move everything to a single wordpress instance.

    i’ve tried disabling just the multisite features, yet… it renders the blog unusable. what am i doing wrong, and what would be the best way to convert?

    my current wp-config.php (secret sections removed):

    define('VHOST', 'yes');
    define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);
    define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', false);
    define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
    define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', 0);
    define('WP_DEBUG', false);
    $base = '/';
    if( $base == 'BASE' )
    	die( 'Problem in wp-config.php - $base is set to BASE when it should be the path like "/" or "/blogs/"! Please fix it!' );
    $table_prefix  = 'wp_';
    define( 'NOBLOGREDIRECT', 'http://www.ps3site.pl' );
    define( "WP_USE_MULTIPLE_DB", false );

    And the table layout in the db looks like this (after removing all the additional blogs):

    | wp_1_commentmeta              |
    | wp_1_comments                 |
    | wp_1_links                    |
    | wp_1_options                  |
    | wp_1_postmeta                 |
    | wp_1_posts                    |
    | wp_1_term_relationships       |
    | wp_1_term_taxonomy            |
    | wp_1_terms                    |
    | wp_blog_versions              |
    | wp_blogs                      |
    | wp_categories                 |
    | wp_commentmeta                |
    | wp_comments                   |
    | wp_links                      |
    | wp_options                    |
    | wp_postmeta                   |
    | wp_posts                      |
    | wp_registration_log           |
    | wp_signups                    |
    | wp_site                       |
    | wp_sitecategories             |
    | wp_sitemeta                   |
    | wp_term_relationships         |
    | wp_term_taxonomy              |
    | wp_terms                      |
    | wp_usermeta                   |
    | wp_users                      |

    [moved to Multisite forum]

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  • what am i doing wrong, and what would be the best way to convert?

    because you upgraded from MU, the tables are named differently, so converting it back to a single sites makes WP spaz out.

    Remove the defines for multisite, but you’ll also have to rename the main site table from wp_1_x to just wp_x.


    If that *still* doesn’t work.. time for an export, save all the posts from the db as well (backup the db just in case), then reinstall it as a single site and import the posts.

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