• Resolved sffandom


    Every Website we manage, regardless of theme, no longer displays embedded images. We don’t link to attachment pages. We just link to “none”. The HTML code for embedded images is pulling garbage and inserting a 1×1 pixel into the pages. This is not a “you got hacked, sir” situation. This is a major, fundamental change to WordPress that is unbelievably naive.

    The images were displaying fine with 4.9.4. They are munged with 4.9.5.

    What happened?

    How do we fix this without rewriting thousands of blog posts?

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  • Moderator t-p


    Every Website we manage, regardless of theme, no longer displays embedded images. We don’t link to attachment pages.

    To rule out any plugin conflict, try deactivating ALL (yes all) plugins temporarily to see if this resolves the problem (plugin functions can interfere). If this works, re-activate them individually (one-by-one) to find the problematic plugin(s).

    If you can install plugins, install Health Check. On the troubleshooting tab, you can click the button to disable all plugins and change the theme for you, while you’re still logged in, without affecting normal visitors to your site.

    Thread Starter sffandom


    Not happening. We changed nothing on over 100 sites. We installed nothing. We removed nothing. The generated HTML code is different from what was there in 4.9.4.

    Moderator t-p


    To troubleshoot, first deactivate ALL plugins and swith to the default theme (Twenty Seventeen, etc.) with ALL plugins OFF.

    If you can install plugins, install Health Check. On the troubleshooting tab, you can click the button to disable all plugins and change the theme for you, while you’re still logged in, without affecting normal visitors to your site.

    Thread Starter sffandom


    Someone changed the generated code. I am not going to spin my wheels just because you have to ask everyone to run down a standard checklist. There should be a record of who changed the generated code for embedded images ( not attachments). Find that and you will have your bug.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    Please provide a link to a page on your site where we can see this. Thanks.

    I am not going to spin my wheels just because you have to ask everyone to run down a standard checklist. There should be a record of who changed the generated code for embedded images ( not attachments). Find that and you will have your bug.

    1. There’s a standard checklist because it usually works.
    2. Basic WP does not record who changed what in any usable way. There are audit plugins you can install to track stuff going forward (https://wordpress.org/plugins/stream/)
    3. Be kind. People here are volunteers who are helping you out of the goodness of their hearts or whatever neurosis compels them to be support folks. Treat people with respect.

    If we have a link to your site, something may jump out on inspection. It would be helpful if you could take a screenshot of the text tab in the editor, too, to see what went into the content. (Put the screenshot on imgur.com and paste a link to that here.)

    Thread Starter sffandom


    Here is what the generated code looked like with WordPress 4.9.4.

    <div class="entry-content">
    		    <a href="https://middle-earth.xenite.org/short-questions-and-answers/"><img width="360" height="360" src="https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers.jpg" class="alignleft wp-post-image" alt="More short questions and answers about J.R.R. Tolkien and Middle-earth" srcset="https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers.jpg 360w, https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers-150x150.jpg 150w, https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers-300x300.jpg 300w, https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers-260x260.jpg 260w, https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers-160x160.jpg 160w" sizes="(max-width: 360px) 100vw, 360px" /></a><p>Short Questions and Answers As I have noted in the past, sometimes people ask questions that don’t really merit a full post. I mean, I just cannot come up with enough information to justify writing an article for a specific&hellip;</p>
    <p class="more-link-p"><a class="more-link" href="https://middle-earth.xenite.org/short-questions-and-answers/">Read more &rarr;</a></p>
    	    </div><!-- .entry-content -->

    And here is what it looks like in 4.9.5.

    <div class="entry-content">
    		    <a href="https://middle-earth.xenite.org/short-questions-and-answers/"><img  width="360" height="360"  style="display:none"  class="crazy_lazy alignleft wp-post-image" src=""   data-src="https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers.jpg"  alt="More short questions and answers about J.R.R. Tolkien and Middle-earth" srcset="https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers.jpg 360w, https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers-150x150.jpg 150w, https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers-300x300.jpg 300w, https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers-260x260.jpg 260w, https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers-160x160.jpg 160w" sizes="(max-width: 360px) 100vw, 360px" /><noscript><img width="360" height="360" src="https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers.jpg" class="alignleft wp-post-image" alt="More short questions and answers about J.R.R. Tolkien and Middle-earth" srcset="https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers.jpg 360w, https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers-150x150.jpg 150w, https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers-300x300.jpg 300w, https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers-260x260.jpg 260w, https://middle-earth.xenite.org/files/2018/03/short-questions-and-answers-160x160.jpg 160w" sizes="(max-width: 360px) 100vw, 360px" /></noscript></a><p>Short Questions and Answers As I have noted in the past, sometimes people ask questions that don’t really merit a full post. I mean, I just cannot come up with enough information to justify writing an article for a specific&hellip;</p>
    <p class="more-link-p"><a class="more-link" href="https://middle-earth.xenite.org/short-questions-and-answers/">Read more &rarr;</a></p>
    	    </div><!-- .entry-content -->

    AGAIN: We changed nothing. We installed nothing. We deleted nothing. WordPress autoupdated from 4.9.4. to 4.9.5 and BAM! images munged.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    How are you embedding images? The markup does not look like the normal stuff from “Add Media”. Do you do any filtering of that?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    WordPress.org Admin

    That code is not coming from WordPress. WordPress does not have any code that will insert a 1×1 pixel GIF like that.

    Check your plugins. One of them is the culprit. Really. No idea why you would see the change at the same time as the update, but it’s not WordPress. It does not insert images into noscript tags.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    WordPress.org Admin

    Judging from the “crazy-lazy” class in the image code you posted, perhaps you’re using this plugin:

    Try turning that plugin off.

    Thread Starter sffandom


    Okay, this is NOT a plugin problem. And there is no such plugin as “crazy-lazy” on the Website. And we did not add anything to 100+ Websites. The code appeared MAGICALLY with the WordPress 4.9.5 update. Imagine that.

    Thread Starter sffandom


    “How are you embedding images? The markup does not look like the normal stuff from “Add Media”. Do you do any filtering of that?”

    We use the WYSIWIG editor built into WordPress with no special plugins. We select “Link To: NONE”. Been doing that for years. Did not have a problem until WordPress installed 4.9.5.

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    It would be helpful if you would do the normal troubleshooting by using the troubleshooting tab on the health check plugin (link upscroll) to disable the current theme and all plugins. That can rule out plugins and themes.

    Thread Starter sffandom


    Well, before I came and reported this I had:

    __1) Changed the themes
    __2) Disabled the plugins
    __3) Checked for unauthorized plugins
    __4) all that other stuff

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    WordPress.org Admin

    Michael, as much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news, something else is going on with your sites. Because the word “crazy_lazy” is definitely not in any WordPress core code.

    Given the code you have posted, either you are indeed running that plugin, or you have that plugin’s code integrated into your theme in some way. While the upgrade may have changed something in a way that activated some kind of dormant code you already had on your sites, it did not suddenly create the problem.

    WordPress 4.9.5 simply does not have any code in it to do what you’re saying that you are seeing. We can only go by what you’re telling us, and what you posted above suggests that you’re using that Crazy Lazy plugin code, somehow.

    So, if you want a fix for the problem, then either you can keep denying the facts, or you can pay attention to what we’re telling you. We’re trying to help you, really. Your assumption that the problem is in the WordPress upgrade is mistaken. I can’t tell it to you any plainer than that.

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    WordPress.org Admin

    If you would prefer to give me access to one of your sites causing the problem, or let me see the problem on a site, you can email me directly if you would prefer to keep that information private. My email address is otto at wordpress.org. I’m happy to examine a site with the problem in more detail and determine what is wrong with it.

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