• Resolved romonoutic


    Thanks a lot for your plugin.
    I installed a plugin that will send me notifications for any error of my site and I’m constantly (3 or 4 by day) receiving the following notification below and it’s apparently related to your plugin:

    Error notification
    For site https://www.mysite.com
    Error Level: E_WARNING
    Message: unlink(/home/customer/www/mysite.com/public_html/wp-content/wflogs/template.0954043001640167329.tmp): No such file or directory
    File: /home/customer/www/mysite.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordfence/lib/wordfenceClass.php
    Line: 2178
    Request: /product-tag/wrapped/?products-per-page=24

    How can I solve this?
    If you need to check the real url of my site please write me to: romonoutic@gmail.com

    Thank you for your help

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  • Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @romonoutic,

    We do tend to suppress “expected” errors where a file is not found or attempting to add a duplicate database entry occurs, but have noticed that Query Manager and other error reporting plugins ignore the $wpdb->suppress_errors(true); function provided by WordPress.

    The reason why we will allow some errors such as this to happen is because it takes more resources to check for the presence of a file rather than just attempt to perform an operation and ignore the error if it’s not there. The wflogs folder is regularly updated with new files so that’s why we choose to suppress these messages here.



    Thread Starter romonoutic


    Thanks a lot for your reply,
    Basically what you are trying to say is that I just should ignore this error ?
    The problem is that I cannot stop from receiving these notifications.. Is there any way to stop or hide this problem? Removing some code or file?


    Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @romonoutic,

    You will have to ask the provider of the error reporting tool whether they can suppress certain kinds of notification that you don’t wish to receive. PHP notices and warnings are non-urgent so they may offer the ability to only be notified of fatal errors. We use everything provided to us by WordPress to suppress the error using their inbuilt functions, but your error reporting tool doesn’t observe these.

    Wordfence needs to concentrate on speed and avoid race conditions where a file/record is removed between checking and the actual attempt to access it. This is why Wordfence accesses immediately regardless of presence and deals with the outcome appropriately.



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