• Resolved elementador


    On my website (i cloned it) running on a litespeed server, I cannot get the firewall optimization done. I have looked at it with my hosting helpdesk, and we tested with a new website, and then it does work.


    # Wordfence WAF
    <IfModule LiteSpeed>
    php_value auto_prepend_file '/var/www/vhosts/my-domain-map/wordfence-waf.php'
    <IfModule lsapi_module>
    php_value auto_prepend_file '/var/www/vhosts/my-domain-map/wordfence-waf.php'
    <Files ".user.ini">
    <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
    	Require all denied
    <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
    	Order deny,allow
    	Deny from all
    # END Wordfence WAF

    The User.ini ->

    ; Wordfence WAF
    auto_prepend_file = '/var/www/vhosts/my-domain-map/wordfence-waf.php'
    ; END Wordfence WAF

    My php test does not show a loaded auto_prepend

    Have browsed the forums but cannot find a solution.
    Hope you can help me.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by elementador.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @elementador, thanks for your message.

    Let me know if you have tried the optimization troubleshooting steps around Litespeed (or OpenLitespeed) in the following documentation: https://www.wordfence.com/help/firewall/optimizing-the-firewall/troubleshooting/

    Also, not necessarily affecting optimization specifically (but involving scans), have you also added the following items in our Litespeed requirements?: https://www.wordfence.com/help/advanced/system-requirements/litespeed/

    Litespeed Cache can also cause a problem for the updated configuration to not be displayed, so I would certainly try flushing the caches associated with your site to see if that might be the culprit.

    Failing these as solutions, could you please send me diagnostic report to wftest @ wordfence . com? You can find the link to do so at the top of the Wordfence Tools > Diagnostics page. Then click on “Send Report by Email”. Please add your forum username where indicated and respond here after you have sent it.



    Thread Starter elementador


    Hello @wfpeter,

    I just found out wat the cause is. In Plesk Obsidian (from my host), there is a tab in the WordPress menu, with security settings / security status.
    This setting it is: “Disable scripts concatenation for WordPress admin panel”

    So I deactivated the setting and the popup from Wordfence automatically disappeared and the firewall is now running in Extended protection modus.
    Case solved and thanks a lot for your help!

    Also I will add the info for scans and litespeed in my htaccess. Thanks a lot!

    Plugin Support wfpeter


    That’s excellent news @elementador! Thanks for getting in touch and best of luck with running your site going forward.

    If you need any further assistance about Wordfence in future please start a new topic and we’ll always be happy to help.


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