• Resolved monjolitop



    It’s my first time on this forum and i’m not really sure that i’m posting on the best place, so please, be gentle with the newbie who i am 🙂

    I installed wordpress and woocommerce, i created my product and everything works except the checkout for product that cost nearly ~37€.

    I have this error message :

        [message] => Wrong or missing parameters (see details).
        [object] => error
        [id] => a4b7517e85e011e99c960a628f07f697
        [details] => Array
                [amount] => The amount must be a positive integer, in cents. You provided '3780.0'.

    I tried to deactivate all plugins but it still doesn’t work.
    I changed the price of the product for 37,4€ and it works.

    Do you have an idea where the issue is ?


    PS : Excuse my English, it’s not my natal language.

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  • Just try 37,00 than it should work

    Thread Starter monjolitop


    In fact, my product cost 33,90€ and shipping cost 3,90€. Yes, when i changed the price to 33,50€, it works. But I want to sell my product 33,90€…



    Try clearing Transients and see if you get what you want.

    WooCommerce > Status > Tools and click on click Clear Transients.

    Thread Starter monjolitop


    No, the customer still have : “Error processing checkout. Please try again.” on front and the error in console (F12) still the same.

        [message] => Wrong or missing parameters (see details).
        [object] => error
        [id] => cc5a4e1e85f611e9a36a027863dcc1df
        [details] => Array
                [amount] => The amount must be a positive integer, in cents. You provided '3780.0'.

    Can the problem come from the plugin uses for payment (which is payplug) ?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by monjolitop.


    Wait. I’m confused. Now you have an error? I thought you had a rounding up/down issue.

    Thread Starter monjolitop


    A customer told me that she could not finish her order.
    I tried with different products and it appears that the problem come from the price of the product.
    I changed the price from 33,90 to 33,50 and it works. When i set back 33,90, it does not work.
    The customer have an error when clicking on “order” (just before payment redirect) and when i try, i press F12 for developper mode on Chrome, and i can see the error “the ammount must be a positive integer[…]”.

    I hope i’m clear enought



    What’s your decimal at? 1 or 2?

    Thread Starter monjolitop


    2. With comma for decimal separator.

    @payplug Can you help ?

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by monjolitop.


    Isn’t 33,90 really €3,390

    Thread Starter monjolitop




    c’est bon. je suis français



    désactiver votre plugin de paiement et tester. assurez-vous également qu’aucun cache n’est sur le panier de la page de paiement.

    Thread Starter monjolitop


    Ça aurait été plus simple en français depuis le début..

    J’ai corrigé mon problème. J’utilisais un plugin non-officiel pour le mode de paiement (payplug). J’ai viré le plugin non-officiel et j’ai mis le plugin officiel et ça fonctionne.

    Merci beaucoup pour le temps que vous avez pris pour répondre à mes questions !

    Bonne journée.



    lol bien, nous ne savions pas à l’époque. content que vous ayez trouvé le problème.
    bonne journée 😀

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