• Hi,

    I am facing a odd issue – the woocommerce email notifications sent to the customer for New Order Confirmation & to the Admin for New Order received have suddenly stopped working! The emails were being sent properly till a week back, now they dont seem to work, unless I go to “Woocommerce-Orders” & change the “Pending” status to “Processing”, after which the Confirmation Email is automatically sent to the Customer & to the Admin respectively.

    Which means, I would have to continuosly keep tracking the Orders from my Backend without which the customer would not get the Order confirmation email,even after making the payment, which would really mess up things & look unprofessional. The worst part is that I have already gone LIVE on my site & cant afford these issues any longer!

    Request your help as I need to get this sorted out ASAP – Anyone with a suggestion on how to get woocommerce emails to work properly again would be highly appreciated.



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  • I spent the past three hours reading the threads. Just got Woo Commerce on our new site, it’s live and no emails. Tried @yujisato solution, no luck and don’t see any resolution from any plug in. I am in the same boat as tproctor. it’s a simple feature, ,but no one at WP has gotten back to me and I’m ready to install another cart.
    Any new discoveries in the past two days?

    @tproctor: don’t use gmail accounts. try one email account in the same domain of that woocommerce install.

    To everybody with this issue: did you tried installing any contact form plugin and testing if those emails are sent? Do you already have a contact form installed? Can you receive emails from it? That way you can debug if it is a woocommerce problem or if it is an email issue in your hosting.

    Marcelo, Thanks for the tip. I did set up a contact page, but i do not get emails from it. This is ANOTHER problem I didn’t even think of!
    So does that mean it’s a WOO problem or email/Hosting problem?

    Hosting problem, I’d said.
    Be sure that the admin email in your WP install is one account within the same domain. If the problem is in the hosting, almost any thing may be generating the issue. Did you received emails from your site sometime in the past? or never worked?
    Check with your hosting provider how is PHP installed (suphp, dso, fcgi), recommended: suPHP+suExec.
    Also, what version of PHP are you running on? Recommended: 5.2.17 and up. 5.4 is simply awesome regarding performance.
    Another one, is it a Linux or Windows based server?

    Marcelo, We had no problem getting emails in the past on our old cart (Mal’s Connected to WordPress). Just switched to the new WOO Commerce platform and switched hosting as well. I believe the server is Apache if that helps. I forwarded your questions to our host/developer so he may understand more clearly than I. Thanks!

    Aha, switched platform and hosting, it’s a big step, open to several failure points haha. Hope your provider can answer.I believe the issues originates in the way PHP is deployed. Several servers dont allow to send emails just as easy. If they have strict security measures, probably your website will need to send the emails using SMTP instead PHP.

    Thanks, I forwarded him the response. I saw there are plug ins that do the same, but noted some have tried and not been successful, so I haven’t gone there yet since i’m not sure it will help.

    So I tried using [ email redacted ] as the ‘default’ email under settings > general, as well as the email recipient under:

    WooCommerce Settings> Emails> “From” Email address.

    I tried 2 test orders with the above settings and didn’t receive a confirmation email from the store, and actually haven’t received any of the order confirmation emails when I’ve placed test orders.

    What could have possibly changed between the time everything was functioning perfectly normally, and now? I know the customers are receiving the order confirmation emails because I had a customer forward one to me while bringing an address verification issue to our attention.

    Oi vey! Any other suggestions? I haven’t tried the ‘contact form’ method just yet but am about to, to rule out possibilities as to what’s going on, or not going on.

    Ok, soooo I just tried using contact form 7 pointing both to [ email redacted ] AND [ email redacted ] and neither emails received the messages I sent using the contact form. This is likely the cause that’s making the emails not arrive when an order is placed in the store, am I right?

    What can I do?

    @tproctor: looks like you are having a similar problem to what ReggiesRoast reported. I suggest you to contact your hosting provider about this issue. Surely, it’s a server configuration avoiding your site to send emails. Read my answers and suggestions I wrote to ReggiesRoast user above as you may probably follow his steps to solve your situation.

    btw, I provide hosting fine tuned for WordPress sites, with servers in USA. If you’re interested google my username and send me a message from my website.

    I’ll look back at your suggestions and see what I can find. But the messed up thing is, and I think I mention this above- I ran a campaign from April 10-29th this year and all emails were delivered as normal, perfectly, no problems whatsoever.

    New campaign started May 14th and the emails weren’t working… no changes that I’m aware of to the Woo settings or WP settings…

    tproctor: maybe you didn’t change nothing in your website config, but except you manage your own VPS or dedicated hosting, nothing keep your current provider from modifying the server configuration. I’d suggest to check it out with them to be sure if something has really have changed/upgraded in the hosting server itself.

    @toto thanks, but if you’d read above, you’d know that the link you provided has nothing to do with the issue I’m experiencing.

    I’ve kind of given up for the time being. I’m forwarding the orders that come in by taking screenshots of them and emailing them over to our fulfillment house. Good enough for now. I’ll do more research on this later but I think I’m good for now.

    Thanks for your suggestions everyone!


    I run an online store using woocommerce. I’m setting up a vendor role using capability manager. Everything is good except this email notification. Both Admin and Customer do receive Emails for New Orders but the vendor who has published the particular Product purchased is not receiving any notification via email. Can some one help me in this?


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