• dutt


    i am using woocommrce plugin such a great one but at my hosting the ram is 512mb but i dont no why it exceeding evrytime time and makes my site slower and slower due to this problem the load time of site is almost 40-60 seconds and that is very high.i am giving the list of whole plugins my hosting department says that you have to uninstall the woocommrce but without this there is no mean of website so no chance to uninstall that plugin:
    All In One SEO Pack
    Google Sitemap by BestWebSoft
    contact form 7
    oik Weight/Country Shipping
    Regenerate Thumbnails
    Weight Based Shipping for Woocommerce
    WooCommerce Bulk Discount
    WooCommerce Quantity Increment
    my site name is fineyog.com
    anyone please let me know why ram is exceeding and generating too much php files on my site


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  • Q) How much physical RAM has been assigned to PHP?
    Check by running php_info() and look at “memory_limit”. (mine says: 128M) Adjust with a php.ini or .htaccess setting.

    Q) How much of that PHP memory has been assigned to WordPress?
    Check by looking at Admin page > WooCommerce > System Status > WP Memory Limit (mine says 128M – can’t be bigger that PHP memory!)
    Alter with:
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128M’);
    in wp-config.php.

    I have a slightly smaller list of plugins than you, so try 256M if possible.

    There could be other reasons why your site is slow but memory is a good place to start.

    Thread Starter dutt


    hi thanx for the reply
    my ram is 1gb and the meomroy assigned to php in wordpress is 64mb still the speed of my site is slow dont know whats the reason is this issue with woocommerce

    You don’t assign memory to php in WordPress. Memory is assigned to php by php.ini or .htaccess. Find out how much is available by running php_info(). Edit php.ini or .htaccess to increase the amount. Your host may be able to help with this step.

    I think you mean 64M of php memory has been assigned to WordPress. My site wouldn’t work with 64M. Find out how much memory is available to php and assign that much to WordPress in wp-config.wp. Try for 256M in both php and WordPress.

    If the site is still slow, there are other things to do.

    Thread Starter dutt


    hi buddy thanks for your help!
    i am still struggling to increase mine memory size but my host says that you site need optimization if you go for even dedicated server than you will face same problem.now i have two doubts in mine mind:
    1.my host is godadday should i switch it to hostgator
    2.if godaddy is right than what should i do
    till that i am jusy trying to increase the memory size i hope it will make my site speedy
    tanks for help in advance

    Need some more info to be able to advise.

    Please make a plain text file called test.php in your WordPress root. The file should contain:

    <?php phpinfo();

    run it by putting the url in your browser:
    What does it say against “memory_limit” ?

    Please post the url to your site.

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