Thanks for reaching out, very strange that this is occurring on mobile but not on desktop. I tested this on one site and after WooCommerce was updated the the configuration option reverted to the default “Enable AJAX add to basket buttons on archives”.
In my case I reset the option once more to “Redirect to the basket page after successful addition” and I have to clear my cache before the redirect worked once more.

Can you confirm you’ve applied the same configuration option? If so please try and clear your cache.
Sorry I do not see any of what you state in either woo commerce or AMP. I do however see “Error: The response is not a valid JSON response” if I try save amp in settings.
Thank you for your assistance.
In WooCommerce you’ll find the configuration option under “WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Add to basket behaviour”. Let me know if that allows you to complete orders.
In relation to the “Error: The response is not a valid JSON response” error there may be a plugin or configuration resulting in this error. Are you able to save posts or do you encounter this error consistently only when making configuration changes to the AMP plugin?
Thank you for your help. yes the ajax was checked.
Add to cart behaviour Redirect to the cart page after successful addition
Enable AJAX add to cart buttons on archives
I have tried a combination of settings to no avail
Can you try and apply the same configurations options as per the screenshot above (Redirecting users to the cart and not enabling the “AJAX add to basket” option. You may need to clear your cache or purge your CDN, the configurations don’t seem to have applied.
Thank you James . As stated I tried all combinations Each one, both off, both on. Nothing worked.
I see. Are you finding anything unusual with your site at present, from my site your non AMP URLs seem to have stylesheets missing, with some console errors appearing. I’d like to check whether the configuration changes you applied work on your non AMP URLs although it’s not possible.
Thank you yes I did some plugin updates earlier today an the wheels fell off. Trying to work on it now.
regards Hugh
Great, let’s check once your canonical (non AMP) site is working as expected.
Thank was a plugin issue appears fixed. This the the AMP site health report. Hope it helps
Debugging information for the Official AMP Plugin for WordPress.
AMP mode enabled transitional
AMP Reader theme legacy
Templates enabled post, page, product, is_singular, is_front_page, is_home, is_archive, is_author, is_date, is_search, is_404, is_category, is_tag, is_tax[product_cat], is_tax[product_tag], is_tax[product_shipping_class], is_tax[pa_bra-band-size], is_tax[project_category], is_tax[project_tag], is_post_type_archive[product], is_post_type_archive[project]
Serve all templates as AMP? true
Transient caching for stylesheets disabled n/a
Threshold for monitoring stylesheet caching 5000 transients per day
Sampling range for monitoring stylesheet caching 14 days
Number of stylesheet transient cache entries 73
Calculated time series for monitoring the stylesheet caching
20201207: 74
20201208: 76
20201209: 62
20201210: 91
20201211: 91
20201212: 92
20201213: 92
20201214: 55
20201215: 73
20201216: 40
20201217: 57
20201218: 72
20201219: 73
20201231: 73
libxml Version 2.9.1
I did a paired test in AMP. Have some comparison images of purchase that gives the perfect example side by side. How to get them to you ?
Thanks for the update. Looks like your canonical site is working fine, although the redirect configuration to cart isn’t active, with any “Add to cart” clicks refreshing the same product page. If you’ve already applied the suggested configurations it should redirect users to the cart, meaning the issue isn’t specific to AMP URLs. You may need to open a support topic with WooCommerce to check why this isn’t working as expected.
Thank you will try that. I will inform you to enable help to others.
Sure, let us know how you get on. As you’ve mentioned it may benefit other users who encounter the same issue.
Hi James been a while sadly woo commerce are not interested. They refer to a fault that is over a year old. In essence it tells that the AMP is not fully integrated with woo commerce. Some big help that was.