• I don’t want to give this plugin 1 star because it’s not working. It could be something on my server, but it’s not likely. I tried three very different Websites after trying this on the intended site. It failed to activate on any.

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  • Plugin Author shift8


    I’m sorry to hear that! If your willing to send me a link to a site where its activated, I could help debug why its not working for you.

    Please also confirm the theme you are using.


    Plugin Author shift8


    Just as a sidenote , after activating the plugin you still have to “enable” the plugin in the settings (Shift8 -> Full nav settings -> activate).

    I’ll see about making this enable by default after plugin activation. Can you confirm if it still doesn’t work after doing that?


    Thread Starter jointhepugs


    The plugin does not work, period. It’s not a question of being activated or not. Of course it has to be activated! I recommend you debug your code to understand why it does not work.

    Plugin Author shift8



    There was an issue with older versions of PHP causing a fatal error. Please try with the most up to date version of the plugin and see – Thanks!

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