• After weeks and weeks of browsing various help forums in search of an answer, I just want to vent my frustration with WordPress and it’s inability to leave your code alone.

    I believe that any type of editing and code you write should be LEFT ALONE, and not have wordpress/tinymce mess around with it. Is that too hard to ask for? Why do I have to constantly wrestle with doing something as simple as inserting a paragraph? It makes no sense.

    I’m currently using TinyMCE 2.1.3 and WordPress 2.3.1, I’ve tried various versions of TinyMCE and also FCKeditor to no avail.
    I’ve tried editing and Commenting out some lines of codes in both editors, and also in WordPress itself to no avail.

    I don’t want to use a desktop application to make posts as i’d like to have a usable editor that’s web-based so I can log in from anywhere and post.

    Maybe the answer is out there buried among the HUNDREDS of frustrated posts like mine and i’ve yet to find it, but I just want to know: WHY does WordPress insist on constantly scrambling my code around? Which editor / WordPress version does everyone else use? How do you cope with this?

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  • Which editor / WordPress version does everyone else use?

    I use the original, default, unencumbered editor you get when you uncheck “Use the visual editor when writing” under your profile. I do this because, I don’t expect *any* pseudo-WYSIWYG, online editor to work exactly the way I want or need as I prefer to add my own code to posts.

    I do not understand why anyone who doesn’t need an editor to help them add links and format text and whatnot would ever want to use TinyMCE or any other such ‘visual’ editor. And I guess I probably never will.

    Well, THAT was helpful!

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