• Where is the custom CSS of the theme in WordPress, the one we put in the customizer?
    I have a theme, the custom CSS works normally, but when the user is offline, what is saved in cache is the theme’s CSS, which invalidates the custom CSS if the user is viewing offline.
    I want to make this custom CSS match the theme, is there any way to mix the custom CSS with the theme, replacing the theme rules with the custom one?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Developing with WordPress topic
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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    The custom CSS is stored in the the site’s database, in the wp_posts table. The custom CSS is the content of the post, with a title that’s the theme’s slug, as a post of type “custom_css”. Subsequent updates are stored as a revision of that post.

    The custom CSS rules override the CSS supplied by the theme in its various CSS files.

    Thread Starter nulledprofile


    @sterndata Doesn’t this result in more HTTP or database requests?
    Is there a tool that allows me to overlay the theme’s CSS directly into the file (other than the theme editor)? What software do you recommend for editing CSS sheets easily? Any software that puts two sheets side by side and shows differences, that I can replace class rules, etc …?
    Thank you for your generous help.

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