• Hi folks. Thanks for using The Events Calendar…all of us at Modern Tribe appreciate your support and hope to make your experience with the plugin a great one. To help make sure that happens, please read this post in its entirety before posting a new thread.

    To set some expectations:

    * We do not monitor this forum on a daily basis! It may take as long as 7-10 days to get a reply here at the dot-org forum. Users looking for a deeper level of support are encouraged to buy a license for Events Calendar PRO. All PRO users have access to our premium forums at http://tri.be/support/forums, where we have a dedicated support team monitoring things on a daily basis. PRO forum support is speedier and allows for a deeper level of assistance on both bugs and things we can’t address on dot-org: customizations, feature requests, theming guidance and more.
    * Our main priority on the forum here is finding bugs. You are welcome to mention customization tweaks or integration issues, in case other users have ideas/suggestions they’re willing to share. Our support team will address these if there is existing documentation we can point you to on the subject, or a past forum thread with a resolution that may be of value. But we cannot help everyone here — and if you’re looking for support on a non-bug issue, you’re probably going to want to buy a PRO license.
    * To keep things organized, we mark any thread that has been inactive for 1 month or longer as RESOLVED. If you posted a thread more than a month ago and came back to find it marked “Resolved”, feel free to re-open it. However…if you find a “Resolved” thread posted by someone else that is relevant to your problem, please do not resurrect it…post a new thread for your specific problem instead. (If you do resurrect old threads, don’t be surprised if our support members ask you to create a new one before they’re able to help).
    * Don’t forget about all our existing support resources. If you’ve got a question and aren’t finding an answer by searching the forum archives here and at http://tri.be/support/forums, you can check out documentation and more at http://tri.be/support/.

    We would love to help everyone out with every problem that arises while using The Events Calendar, but unfortunately — as a small company with limited support resources — we need to prioritize support for paying customers. That said, we are committed to getting bugs with the plugin sorted and making sure it is as smooth a process as possible for everyone. If you find we’re failing to do so, or feel you’re not being treated right, please don’t hesitate to email me (rob /a/ tri.be) directly. Thanks again for using The Events Calendar.


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