Plugin Support
From report , I am seeing that you did NOT enable webp replacement
please verify
Best regards,
Thread Starter
hi, in my Litespeed, Image Optimization Settings, the options are set as:
Create WebP Versions ON
WebP Attribute To Replace (didnt change amything, using the recommended values)
WebP Attribute To Replace ON
Am I missing any option? Should it work with Elementor?
Thanks in advance
Plugin Support
report shows this option was set to OFF
Best regards,
Thread Starter
This is weird, because in my dashboard it is ON. I even set to Off, saved, and set ON again… generated new report but it still shows OFF in report.
new report VWSAHOCX
any idea of what is going on?
Thread Starter
Hi, I think I found what was wrong… this is a multisite installation, even though it was set ON in this particular website, in the main admin Litespeed settings the webp replacement was OFF.
Thanks for your time!
Plugin Support
I’m going to mark this topic “Resolved”, due to lack of activity.
If you still need help, please feel free to re-open it.
Best regards,