• Hi all,

    I use wordpress for a personal blog but often find myself reaching for expression engine and textpattern when working on a more complicated site. As someone who is quite comfortable with PHP, fancy template tags has little to do with this decision.

    Each time I update my blog with the latest wordpress install, I’m always impressed with the pace at which wordpress evolves compared to EE and TP. Nevertheless, one of the features of EE that I am constantly drawn to is the ability to define custom fields that are ‘weblog’ or ‘section’ specific. That is, I can have a ‘weblog’ or ‘section’ that is reserved for blogs where the usual public fields include the title, post, excerpt, category, and keywords. As an example, I can also have other ‘weblogs’ or ‘sections’ for posting my favorite recipes where the usual public fields include the title, description, ingredients, instructions, category and keywords. Essentially, what I am asking for is that the default text entry fields in the ‘Write Post’ panel be customizable for different post classes.

    At present, careful use of WP categories and appropriate formatting of the post can make it appear that each page/category has independent fields but it is less than ideal. Category and page templates get me close, but I still must rely on the post writer to correctly format the post.

    I imagine that it would be pretty difficult to hack this sort of functionality into wordpress without some careful thought. Is anyone else interested in this?

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