• Resolved below7


    Hello, we are using stripe. I just upgraded my wordpress to 4.8 and also upgraded the twenty Seventeen theme. Then Bam, the whole site crashed leaving me with this message: Fatal error: Class ‘Requests_Hooks’ not found in /home/content/35/7753335/html/environmental_kids/wp-includes/class-wp-http-requests-hooks.php on line 17

    I then fttp’d into the site and followed the above reference until I found line 17 which is as follows: class WP_HTTP_Requests_Hooks extends Requests_Hooks {

    But in context, lines 1-17 look like this: <?php
    * HTTP API: Requests hook bridge class
    * @package WordPress
    * @subpackage HTTP
    * @since 4.7.0

    * Bridge to connect Requests internal hooks to WordPress actions.
    * @package WordPress
    * @subpackage HTTP
    * @since 4.7.0
    class WP_HTTP_Requests_Hooks extends Requests_Hooks {

    So we have no idea why the site crashed or how to fix it.
    Any input you can offer would be very helpful

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  • Thread Starter below7


    I had a link to the site but it didn’t appear in the post. The site is: environmentalissuesforkids.com/

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    This seems like it is a server or upgrade issue. Have you tried disabling all the plugins to see if you still get the error? The error you are pointing to is not coming from any of our files.

    Plugin Contributor Nick Young


    We haven’t heard back from you in a while so we are going to assume this has been resolved. If you are still having issues please open a new thread.


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