Are you sure you reviewed the correct plugin? I searched the support pages, and your overall activities in this website and I can’t find anything.
Can you please point to your question & and I’ll respond one way or another very quickly.
Hi Nick,
Thanks for responding.
I filled out the support form on your website. Should I post here?
Hi Andrew,
I am just a contributor of this plugin, so I have nothing to do with the developer’s website, and anything else regarding their business. That said, I try to help out as much as I can.
You can also always ping me at slack, as sometimes Yahoo email users like myself do not get all the emails from this site, but in the next day or so I will be looking out for a support question from you.
I guess, I did not exactly answer your straight up question…
Yes, please post your questions here, or even better, this plugin’s support pages.
If you want to fix the plugin to work on the front-end you will have to rename the
/wp-content/plugins/calculated-fields-for-acf/admin/assets/calculated-fields-for-acf.js to ml/wp-content/plugins/calculated-fields-for-acf/admin/assets/calculated-fields-for-acf.min.js
The plugin wasn’t working on the front-end because the calculated-fields-for-acf.min.js wasn’t load because it doesn’t exist.
Thanks for the reply. I will try it.