Excuse me, what spam? I know very well guidelines, please explain in details, thanks.
Jan Dembowski
Forum Moderator and Brute Squad
The plugin works as advertised, HOWEVER unless you like spam showing up in your admin notification areas, don’t install this plugin.
studiogrynn What exactly are you referring to?
That’s the wrong link BTW.
@Mdembowski, I am referring to the use of the admin notification areas to pitch upgrade purchases. The proliferation of this tactic is becoming nuisance to wordpress admins. It was a mild PIA in the beginning, however the number of devs now using the tactic have created an escalating situation that is out of hand. Many of these ads disguised as admin notifications show up for users other than admin AKA the client. Would YOU want other businesses pushing adverts through a product you delivered to your client? How unprofessional would your client now perceive you, and how might that affect the trust relationship you worked hard to establish? How would it affect your referral business?
As a user, things become especially frustrating when a spammy notification is dismissed from the dashboard and it continues to show up on other admin related pages, or the dismiss you click takes the user OUT of the page they were on and drops them into another page that’s a more aggressive pitch. AND it happens with paid plugins as well. I do wish that WordPress would/could enforce this guideline. IMHO the guideline currently appears to be treated as a suggestion – perhaps to give the devs time to adjust their code.
IMHO devs should put their sales pitches in their plugin settings pages and keep the admin area clean, or the plugin should show a one-time opt-in offering and be done with it.
An alternative might be a wordpress feature: A Notifications Bell in the top navigation where these “notices” can be pushed/parked and dealt with at a time convenient for the admin.
Thank you for the link. I’ll be sure to update my bookmarks.
@greentreelabs, most recently I am referring to the current sales pitch in the admin notification area that says: “Hey! How do you like Final Tiles Grid Gallery – Image Gallery so far? Test all our awesome Basic and Ultimate premium features with a 14-day free trial. No credit card required! Start Fee Trial –>” When dismissed, this message continues to show on additional pages. If it’s an advertisement in a place it shouldn’t be, it’s spam. If a user can’t make it go away – it’s beyond spam.
The trial notice is from a 3rd party library (Freemius) and it’s dismissable. If the notice continues to appear it’s a bug, it would be useful to know the list of your active plugins and theme so we can replicate your environment.