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  • I’m still getting this message on sites that have video embedded. Why is this still happening?!


    Looks like none of your blog posts contain YouTube videos. Please publish a test post containing a YouTube video and regnerate the video sitemap.
    If the issue remains unresolved, please post the error message in this WordPress forum.”

    I’ve tried embedding with different code setups taken directly from youtube. It’s not me, it’s you!

    This has been happening to me for some time and I finally seemed to have solved it!

    If your embed code uses the domain, the plugin will not pick it up.

    If you configure your embed code to use “enhanced privacy: it will use the domain…and the plugin won’t see it. Simply delete the
    “-nocookies” part of the domain and update your post/page.

    Hope this helps!

    I am having the same issue with the same “Oops!” message that comes up. I have a youtube video here: and I cannot get it to generate a sitemap.

    I read on other threads with similar issues that it doesn’t work when the embed code uses However, my embed code does not include
    Here’s what I have:
    <iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”//″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Any other suggestions?

    Hey guys…. I figured it out.

    Just untick all of the boxes and tick “use old embed code” on youtube…. copy and paste that and it should work fine.


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