• Resolved sarahmytych


    I have a pop-up video auto-opening on this page:


    with a cookie set to 1-month expire. However upon reloading the page, or quitting the browser and reloading the page – the audio still plays in the background without the pop-up window appearing. This happens in both Chrome and Safari browsers. Firefox doesn’t seem to have the issue.

    HELP! thanks.

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  • Thread Starter sarahmytych


    Unfortunately this is on a live site during a launch week so I couldn’t afford to wait for a solution. I’ve removed the autoplay from the video so that the audio won’t mysteriously play in the background. From initial web research it was looking like a javascript issue regarding autoplay / mute with Chrome & Safari. However, if a solution is available – I would love to return the video to autoplaying in the pop-up.


    We have a great solution in our Video Popups Extension – includes everything you need out of the box, a totally customizable video player, and gives your video popups a made-from-scratch look and feel.

    Check out the docs to this extension here.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @sarahmytych – Will also add that your initial problem was actually expected behavior. You set the iframes url to use autoplay, iframes load whether they are hidden or not. So even if it wasn’t in a popup this would happen.

    This is the reason we created the Video extension @waltmesser mentioned. It does what you need and way more.

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