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  • Plugin Author Kevin Fodness


    This might be fixed in version 2.2.0. We fixed some issues related to video parsing. Can you check and report back, please?

    Thread Starter hardly.normal


    Hi Kevin

    It’s not fixed

    I just posted this

    It should be a video embed at the top as it is here

    I went back to add a link to the video since the embed is not working, and that doesn’t seem to be updated yet. I will leave this post up as-is for you to troubleshoot.

    Please let me know how I can help, and thanks for working on this. Getting the video embed into Apple News is very important


    Thread Starter hardly.normal


    Today we embedded a video in the body of a post near the bottom. It doesn’t show. It says “YouTube video player” with a link to our original post

    This is Apple News

    Our original post with the embed at the bottom

    Plugin Author Kevin Fodness


    It looks like you’re using something other than the default oEmbed provider for YouTube videos. The default provider is used when using the YouTube block in the Gutenberg editor or pasting a YouTube embed URL on its own line in the classic editor. I believe the plugin is tripping over the custom HTML in your post and isn’t able to properly convert the embed to a native YouTube embed.

    I would recommend leveraging the apple_news_exporter_content_pre filter to swap out the custom YouTube embed you are using for the native YouTube embed that WordPress typically uses, which will allow the Publish to Apple News plugin to properly convert the embed to a native YouTube embed within Apple News format:

    Thread Starter hardly.normal



    First, thanks for the help. I need to fix this, and your support is greatly appreciated.

    I don’t know code, so I asked our developer to take a look. She teaches at USC and knows her stuff. Here is her email to me after trying your suggestion:

    I finally had some time to dig into this and I honestly have no idea how to implement the fix suggested by the developer. I need a code example or something else to work with, I have no idea what I need to filter or even where to begin in writing the function.
    I’m also not sure what these folks mean by “the oEmbed code isn’t being used.” I looked at that post and it looks like the proper embeds are being used — just paste the URL and it embeds and that’s what we’re doing. So I have no idea what these folks mean when they say the proper embed code isn’t being used.
    The only additional thing that’s being done is that we are using the FitVids for WordPress plugin to make all the videos responsive (they weren’t being responsive otherwise). The plugin is here:
    This plugin wraps a line of code around the embed to make the video responsive but other than that, the actual iframe embed code is still there. I’m stumped.


    Please advise,


    Plugin Author Kevin Fodness


    Hi Mark—

    I should have some time to dig in to this more deeply in a few days. Fundamentally, the plugin is looking for a specific HTML signature in order to recognize the block as being a YouTube embed and to extract the URL so it can create an Apple News YouTube embed component, and I believe that the modifications to the HTML that are caused by FitVids are contributing to this problem.

    Thread Starter hardly.normal



    Thanks for taking the time to look into this. I will gladly compensate a developer to fix if needed. Appreciate the help.


    Thread Starter hardly.normal


    Just following up on this.

    Thanks for the help

    Plugin Author Kevin Fodness


    After doing some additional digging, I can confirm that you found a bug. I’m working on a fix that will be released with the new version early next week.

    Plugin Author Kevin Fodness


    I opened a GitHub issue to track progress on this:

    and I have an open pull request with the fix in it:

    I’m going to close this issue in favor of tracking it on GitHub, but a new version containing the fix should be released within the next few days.

    Thread Starter hardly.normal



    Thanks so much for your time and support

    if you need to contact me since I am not on Github, my email is mark at invisiblepeople dot tv

    Plugin Author Kevin Fodness


    I just released version 2.3.0 of the plugin yesterday, which includes a fix for this issue that should resolve it for you. Please let me know if it does not!

    Thread Starter hardly.normal


    @kevinfodness sorry for the delay. we didn’t have a video post to test.

    I just posted this

    Here’s how it looks on our site with the video embed

    Same issue. The video does not become an embed. It just takes the thumbnail photo.

    I will gladly pay to have this fixed. It’s taken us some time to ramp up video, but we are about to do much more.

    Thanks for the help

    Hi Kevin,
    My name is Jenn and I’m the developer that Mark mentioned earlier in this thread. Here’s what’s going on with the posts, hopefully it adds some context.

    The videos in the articles Mark references are *not* embedded in the body of the text itself. (Most videos that are in the middle of a post are embedded using the oEmbed link so that shouldn’t be a problem.) So that might be why those videos aren’t being pulled by the Apple News feed properly.

    We use a plugin called Featured Video Plus ( to put in video in place of where a normal featured image would go. We do this so there is the flexibility to put in video there but also be able to use regular featured images for other posts that don’t have video. This plugin also pulls a thumbnail automatically from the YouTube video so that a featured image doesn’t have to be manually uploaded for pages like the archive page, for example.

    What seems to be happening from the latest post I looked at is that Apple News is indeed pulling the featured image generated by the plugin (which is the expected behavior for the Apple News feed). What I’m wondering is whether we can make a template tweak to account for stories that have featured video instead.

    Looking at the underlying code, there is a standard YouTube iframe generated in addition to the HTML5 video player code. Let me know if there’s something we can work with here and I would gladly conjure up some code to make it easier. Thanks.

    Screenshot of code is here:

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