Hi! Сould you specify where to write it, because in my version the link to viber looks like “viber=”+phone number”
Sorry, just came in now.
Write in the admin panel in plagin ->
Look at the photo
I think you figured it out, but just in case.
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by dashamiro.
thanks! i’ll try to do it
Dear users! we make a update of contactus! in new version was solved Viber issue!
I have problem with viber:
I have unworkable link like this: “viber://contact?number=+3000000”
not “viber://chat?number=30000000” as I need
I try 30000000, +30000000, %2B30000000
What wrong?
@impools widget generate default link: viber://contact?number=+37369820825 where number is in international format.
Try to generate a new script at https://contactus.nikba.com and upload to your site.
Hi, thanks for your answer.
I get new script and test it thru phone. All work good, except viber, link still doesn’t work correctly. Link from widget – viber://contact?number=+380673290000
As I know suitible can be – viber://chat?number=+380673290000 Can you fix this?
There is my current code:
(function(doc, scr, id) { var js, fjs = doc.getElementsByTagName(scr)[0]; if (doc.getElementById(id)) return; js = doc.createElement(scr); js.id = id; js.src = 'https://contactus.nikba.com/contactus.min.js?v=1.91'; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'contactus-sdk'));
<div id="contactus" call="+380673290000" call-label="Позвоните" viber="+380673290000" viber-label="Сообщение" whatsapp="+380673290000" whatsapp-label="Сообщение" facebook="Trader" facebook-label="Сообщение" telegram="Den" telegram-label="Сообщение" title="Быстрая связь со мной" position="left" ></div>
@impools at moment viber is woking ok! yu can try on our web site: https://contactus.nikba.com/ was tested on iOS and Android.
What error you get? can you provide at office@nikba.com your phone model, and os version?
From your website I get
desktop Viber error: “Request unavailable. The request page is unavailable.” (Win8)
mobile Viber only closed after clicking on the link (Android 8.1.0)
another phone (android 11) similar error